Cat Noir X Lady Bug (Edited)

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First story Requested by my wife Anonymous21Sheep be SHURE to follow her. Also enjoy the meme, and enjoy the pic.

It was late at night in the city of Paris, crime everywhere, but all the criminals fear two very talented individuals

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It was late at night in the city of Paris, crime everywhere, but all the criminals fear two very talented individuals. Their names Ladybug and Cat Noir. A thug and his goons were trying to break into a vault, after taking out all the guards in the bank and making sure everyone's hands were tied.

The thugs wore ski masks like classic bank robbers. But somewhere above was a pair of glowing eyes of a familiar black suited cat. He glared down at one of the criminals before backing away into the darkness. The thug looked up, but didn't see anything.

Thug 1: "Keep your guard up I smell a rodent that needs to be exterminated"

the man loaded his gun and pointed it to the roof.

Thug 2: "Cmon stop trying to get us riled up Mitch I don't like this anymore than you do"

Mitch: "What the hell did I say about using my name Willis"?!?!

Willis was about to say something before something or someone, crushed Willis underneath by dropping down on his shoulders.

Cat Noir: "Mind if I drop in"?

Mitch: "Shit it's Cat Noir!! Wait if your here that means-"

Before he can finish, he was taken down by a familiar red and black suited female.

Ladybug: "And let you have all the fun Noir HA! in your dreams kitty".

They both went back to back as they were surrounded by a dozen or so armed thugs.

Cat Noir: "Finally something worth my while"

Ladybug: "Don't get too cocky these guys could be working for you know who"

The thugs all charged but both HEROS jumped up to avoid being smashed and also to avoid being sandwiched in between a bunch of bulky armed thugs.

Cat Noir: "Hey Ladybug you got any advice I could tell the girl at school that I love her"?

Ladybug: "Nows not the time Cat Noir"

The black suited teen sighed and rolled his eyes.

Cat Noir: "Ok fine but you have to augh-"

He didn't get the time to finish because he was distracted, he was punched right across the face, making his mask fall off.

Ladybug: "...ADRIAN"!?!?

The blond boy turned and looked at the criminal, with a glare and a bruise starting to form on his cheek.

Adrian: "That was a mistake"

Adrian then jumped with his claws out and took down the thug with a swift punch to his face, he followed up by kicking the criminal up in the air by hooking his legs under the thugs arms and backflipped. The thug now in mid air, was screaming in fear.

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