We Were Us

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A/N: Super excited to write this! WWU is the sequel to Wonderwall, so if you haven't read it, read that first! Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes!
The first few chapters follow very closely to the book. Again, all credit goes to James Dashner!Enjoy!

The loud noise made Bree's heart jump. She jolted awake, scared of whatever brought her to consciousness. Bree propped herself up on her elbows and looked around, forgetting where she was.

Suddenly, all the things came rushing back to her. All of the memories, emotions, and coversations.

Just then, the door burst open, and before Bree had any time to react, a voice came from the hallway. "Bree? Have you seen Teresa?" Thomas asked, half-running into the room with Minho and Newt following him. His voice was loud, and full of angst. Thomas had sweat dripping down the creases in his forehead.

She sat up in her bunk, and looked over to the bed next to her where Teresa was last night, but the only thing there was crumpled sheets and a pillow ready to fall off the edge of the bed.

Bree shrugged. "She was here last night." She really did want to try to help, but she was tired, and wasn't ready for any social interaction or drama until she had awhile to wake up.

Then, the sound of a toilet flushing came from the bathroom. They all looked toward the white bathroom door, the silence deadly.

Thomas started to walk to it, but Newt stopped him and shook his head.
"Don't think it's very polite to walk into a ladies' bloody bathroom. Just wait."

The door finally opened, and the person who stepped out wasn't Teresa at all, but a boy none of them had ever seen before.

Bree was so confused, who even was this guy? How did he even get in her room? What did he do with Teresa?

"Who the klunk are you?" Minho asked.

"Who am I?" The boy asked, "Who are you?"

He had olive skin, and short dark hair. He wore the same clean, blue flannel pajamas they were all given the night before.

"Don't bloody mess around with us. Tell us who you are." Newt said, annoyance and anger filled his voice.

The boy folded his arms. "Fine. I'm Aris."
A/N: Here's the first little part of We Were Us! The first, actual chapter should be up in one or two weeks! Please vote, comment and tell me what you think!
Stay cute and love Brewt!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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We Were Us (Sequel to Wonderwall, Newt)Where stories live. Discover now