¡¿i'm going to kill you¿¡

Start from the beginning

As he was entering the camp, Frecklewing the clan deputy, came running up to him, with a sad and concerned look in her eyes. "R-riverriddle, we need to talk." She stuttered. He titled his head in confusion, and she ran off, signaling with her tail for him to follow her. Without saying a word, he ran after her. 

"What's up?" He questioned, trying not to show how nervous he was. "I-it's Graypetal... W-we found his body i-in the river..." She stuttered again. Riverripple's surroundings all became blurry, and he couldn't hear her anymore, although he knew she was talking to him. He was trapped in his own thoughts.

"What is wrong Frecklepaw, why are you crying?" Riverkit asked his friend. "S-shadoweye told me to tell you t-that, your mother and father didn't survive the illness..." She stuttered. His eyes became teary, and he buried his head in Willowtail's thick coat. Willowtail desperately tried to comfort him, without waking up her own kits.

"That can't be true!" He exclaimed. Frecklewing started crying. "B-but IT IS!" She shouted back. "I'm sorry... I know you lost your parents t-too, and now your brother... I know how hard it'll be, but I'll be here to help and support y-" She was cut off by a deep growl. She looked up, and saw anger and hatred in Riverripple's gaze. Riverripple sank his claws into her neck, seeing the blood pour out into the ground. "W-WHO KILLED HIM!?" He demanded to know. "W-we don't know yet!" She struggled to talk. Riverripple didn't realize what he had done. He loosened his grip in her neck, and let her get up. She gave him the nastiest look, she had ever given anyone, and walked off. 

"Riverripple! I'm sorry..." He ran after her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She hissed at him. "Please, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that!" He whined. She sighed, and her gaze turned to a look of pity. "I love you." She admitted. "It hurt. I thought you loved me back, and then you almost killed me..." She continued. He didn't know how to feel right now. 

"His body is gone! We can't find it!" Riverripple and Frecklewing heard. They looked at each other, and sprinted back to camp. "I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, I love you!" Riverripple struggled to say, as they were running back to camp. She smiled at him. They came to a halt, as they approached the camp entrance. "What happened?" Frecklewing asked. Stormstar looked at her with discomfort. "We can't find his body anywhere!" He exclaimed. "WHO'S BODY!" Riverripple broke in. "Graypetal's! The dawn patrol saw it in the river, and immediately rushed back to camp. When they came back for it, it was gone! There was a big puddle of blood where they had last seen it though." He announced, discomfort still able to be found in his gaze. 

They then heard muffled gasps behind them. They saw Graypetal struggling to walk. Riverripple let out a sob, before running towards his brother. He buried his muzzle in his coat. "I thought you were dead..." He quietly sobbed. Graypetal weakly licked his head in return, before falling to the ground. His pelt was matted and dirty, and he a deep cut in his flank, and a lot of blood surrounding it. "Who did this to you..." Riverripple whispered in his ear, sounding desperate. "D-duststorm... Hailsummer's brother... s-she dumped me right on the spot!" He quietly mumbled. He just stared at his brother, who was lying on the ground and struggling to breathe. He turned around, and saw Stormstar standing right behind him. 

"We need to get back at RiverClan!" He exclaimed in his leader's face. "We're not like them!" He said, and walked right past him, and sat down beside Graypetal. 

He sprinted out of camp. Frecklewing saw his tail disappear behind a bramble bush. She was about to run after him, but Stormstar called her name. She hopelessly sighed. She was scared what Riveripple was planning to do. 

Riverriddle rushed under a bush. He had trespassed RiverClan's territory. They seriously can't think they're gonna get away easily after almost murdering my brother! He thought, anger rising up inside of him. He then spotted the dark brown fur of Hailsummer's brother. Duststorm... Riverriddle thought, and gritted his teeth. He sank his claws into the ground, imagining that it was Duststorm's throat. 

He saw Duststorm mysteriously looking at the bush he was hiding in. He knew he had scented him. He looked to the sides. It looked like Duststorm was alone. He used this as his opportunity to avenge his brother.

He leaped at the other cat, sinking his teeth into his throat, and tearing off a big chunk of flesh. He raked his claws over the other cats eye, making a deep rift. Blood started pouring out everywhere. He felt satisfaction as he saw that the other cat was struggling to breathe, and was pretty much gasping for air. He chuckled, and a frown formed on his face. He then managed to force a big smile on his face. He turned around, as heard rustling behind him. 

He felt like his surroundings were disappearing. It was Stormstar, with a horrified look on his face. His leader looked disappointed and very upset. He didn't know why he did it, but he leaped at the leader, sinking his claws into his throat. He was gasping for air. "Riverriddle!" Stormstar shouted. That was the last thing he heard from the old leader. A blood puddle started forming under his body, and blood started pouring out of his mouth. And at last, his body went limp. 

Riverriddle didn't feel sad or disgusted. He felt extremely satisfied, but not enough. He needed to get more revenge. He needed to make sure that NO cat hurts Graypetal ever again. And maybe Frecklewing... or Frecklestar... 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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