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He sits in the mountains of Din. Din was a beautiful place where beautiful people lived. Draden is the one whom sits in the mountain. He is the evilest person in the world, his armies furious at the good knights. He found the first group of his army in the forest. Five hundred dark men. Draden saved them by killing the good Knights that were attacking the dark men. They rarely talk and their only fear is nothing. They don't care if they die, they only care if they die and their team loses. The dark warriors are black except for their armor. As everyone knows armor is silver. Draden's second army group are a pack of wild dogs. They're all black except for the muzzle, that is light grey. Their only fear is nothing, same as the dark knights. That is Draden's army. Before in the story Draden's dark Knights were attacked by the good knights. The good Knights live in Norlansperk. The village there is guarded by the castle wall. Everyone is allowed in the castle except for the top part. That part is only for special people like chosen ones or Knights or the mayor. Which they call the great citizen leader. He is named Craten. He is the oldest but also the first knight ever known. There is three things that if you are being chosen. You can be chosen to be a warrior ( Knight) ,a farmer ( growing plants) or a trainer. The one day you get chosen is when your fifteen years old. Everyone who lives their gets chosen. A great amount of people live their so a good amount of those people are Knights, another good amount of trainers, and another good amount of farmers. The only way you get food is from trading with the farmers for food or giving them gems, diamond, and gold for food. There is no Knights in the kingdom anymore. They all died. Soon Draden will attack and the kingdom will be defenseless... not! Every year is the choosing ceremony so they will always be prepared. Swords and axes are made by blacksmith Jones. He is a famous man. The cost for a sword is twenty nine gold. The cost for an axe is fifty gold.

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