『c h a J u n H o』 Fireworks

Start from the beginning


I followed him to their room. When he opened the door their aura was just to bright. Their all so perfect. "Yah Bomin did you get this random girl to be your one night stand again" one of them said. Woah this guy shouldn't trust. I backed away a little. "Yah Dayeol she's not I just wanted to invite her since she was kind of a fan he said and she has backstage ID BLIND" he said teasingly. "Oh I'm Choi Y/N by the way" I greeted them with a bow. And then they introduce their selves. I saw one staff maybe or a trainee, he looked so handsome. I couldn't describe him. But his emotion is like a robot though. Maybe I was staring to much and not paying attention to what Bomin was saying. "Yah Y/N Earth to Y/N" he waved his hand in front of me. "Aish sorry I spaced out what was that?" I asked and he looked at me weirdly. "Who's your bias in AB6IX?" he asked. "Ah Woong" I blushed. "Ah well you see he's my friend" Jangjun raised his hand. "Then let's go" Bomin said. We walked out of the room and walked to AB6IX's room.

I was shaking as hell as we were in front of the door I couldn't help but say "I'm gonna embarrass myself guys" I said to them. "Nope your not" said Jangjun. Then, suddenly Woong passed by. "Ah Jangjun my friend what are you doing here" Woong said. I couldn't help but blush. "You see your fan is here so me and Bomin decided to drop her off so we'll get going" Jangjun explained. I gave him a face saying 'I'm going to die Please don't leave me'. "I'm not good with girls you do know that Jangun" Woong pleaded. But they already left.

I was shaking plus blushing so hard. "Uhm hey Jeon Woong you can just call me Woong drop formalities please" he said. "Oh okay Choi Y/N" I said simply. He opened the door and I was shaking so much. "HEY WOONG WE HAV-- who dat?" I saw Youngmin shouted. "Ahh you guys know Jangjun and Bomin right well they like dropped her off here since she's a fan" Woong said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Hi I'm Y/N, Choi Y/N" I said and bowed. "Ahh an ABNEW Please drop your formalities were all friends here" Daehwi said. I just nod. Actually all we did there was just talk about life.


I actually excused myself in AB6IX's room be since they needed to practice and they might be distracted, so I just again ran outside and accidentally bumped into someone making me fall but then I heard fireworks, fire in the sky and it was beautiful like the person who catched me. I looked up and it was the guy I was staring at in Golden Child's room. "Ah I'm so sorry" I apologized. "It's fine" he said with just a straight face. I rub the back of my neck and I felt me cheeks burning red. I ran back to the backstage area and gladly found Suhwan on the way back.

"Woah what's the rush?" he asked. "So like I saw a handsome guy in Golden Child's room then I went to AB6IX to chat then I ran outside then I accidentally bumped into him and it was like fireworks" I explained in a hurry. "Okay chit chat later but we have to go to VIP Front now since It's almost starting" I nod.


Overall the concert was a bomb. Everything was successful and everyone is so handsome and beautiful but I couldn't stop thinking about that guy from earlier.

I was walking to the subway with Suhwan and I can't get my mind straight. "Bro are you still thinking of that robot guy you said" he asked me. "I can't get my mind off him" I said. "Fireworks you said" he laughed.


He dropped me off in front of the hotel and we would be seeing each other tomorrow as well. For tomorrow me and Suhwan are gonna be visiting entertainments where I can audition too. The third reason why I'm here to achieve my dream as a singer. I mean I am a signed in one entertainment in the US but I'm korean so like why not also try here.


The next day. I dressed up nicely. And I got my files that I needed and got a text from Suhwan.

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