Newt shook his head. "Negative. We're not putting him in danger. If we're going to fix this, it's on us."

"So you agree? We're going to fix this."

Newt sighed and pushed his hair back from his head. The only person he took his mask off around was Minho. He tells himself it's because it's hot in there, but he knows that it's because he trusts Minho. Of course the other boy pokes fun at him, but Minho knows how Newt feels about his scars. The first time he saw him he broke off with a strong of insults, telling Newt that he looked like an apple that got fucked up by a katana in fruit ninja, but that night when they were on the couch watching a movie Minnho softly told him that it wasn't actually that bad. Minho was the only person who'd ever seen him without his mask on, well not including the times before the scars.

"I guess I'll fix it."

"Okay how?"

"You ask me to fix it then you want to be involved, I do not understand you one bit Minho."

"I feel partly responsible."

"How so?"

"Well I bought stuff with the money we got from harboring the bags."

"You're such a badass honestly, the world may be safer without you in it."

Minho watched as Newt pulled on his jeans and a red hoodie before grabbing his gun and shoving it into his hoodie pocket.

"I thought you were going to stray away from killing people."

"Protection." Newt grinned as he tugged on his boots.

"At least tell me what you're planning on doing."

Newt grinned at his best friend as he pulled his mask over his face. "Getting more cocaine of course."


"Is that Deadpool?" Teresa asked as she focused the binoculars on a red figure.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Thomas snapped as he scooted farther up the wall. He brought Teresa with him this time, they'd been stalking drug deals for the past three hours, seeing nothing interesting until none other than Deadpool strolled up to the corner alley.

"I told him to stop!" Thomas snapped as he glared at the merc even though he couldn't see him. Thomas and Teresa were across the street, away from the deals but close enough to where they could see.

"What is he even doing?" Teresa wondered out loud as she stared at the red boy.

"I'm gonna kill him, I'm actually going to kill him," Thomas muttered as he watched Deadpool talk to the man. The man slipped his hand into his coat and pulled out a wad of cash before handing it over to the merc.

"He's paying him," Teresa said as she leaned forward a bit as if that would help her to see better.

"So I've never bought drugs before, but I feel like this just really isn't how it works."

"Yeah, this is backwards."

"Unless Deadpool is selling the drugs again!" Thomas exclaimed. "We're gonna follow him when he leaves."

"What?! Isn't that dangerous?!"

"I thought you wanted dangerous!"

"I might be going back on my decision!"
"Dude! We're following him."

"Fine! But if I die I'm gonna be so pissed at you!"

"Deal!" Thomas said as he watched Deadpool military salute the guy.

narcotic // a newtmas auWhere stories live. Discover now