The woman starred right into her eyes, jaws dropped. She looked extremely shocked like she just saw a ghost. Choking back, this woman hugged Evie immediately. "That's why you look familiar! I knew you would be safe. I knew you would find your way home. We missed you, Princess; you are dearly missed every day."

Princess. So this woman knows who she is, she must know her story. Evie couldn't hide her excitement. "You know my parents?"

"Of course I know! Regina and Robin are my dear friends! Come on. Let's get you to meet your Mommy!" She dragged Evie's hand, which make her grunted. She grinned awkwardly and apologized right away.

"I'm sorry, but I think I don't have your name yet." Evie asked as the lady helped her to mount on her horse.

"Oh how rude of me! I'm Snow White." She smiled. "Hold tight, dear. We're going home fast." 


Evie's first reaction was amazed. She never looked at something so beautiful before her eyes. All she ever saw in her sixteen years were only gloom and bitterness. She wondered how life could be if this was the place she had growing up; perhaps life wouldn't feel so agonizing. Her steps stopped as her eyes caught the painting. Her eyes tear up instantly, she walked closer to get a better look at it. There was some sort of pain, anger, sad, bliss, touched, stunned, mixed up inside her heart. It was a floor length family picture; her family picture. Now she really knows how her parents look like. The painter perfectly caught how delightful they were. She could see herself–baby Evie–was being hold in her mother's arms; how her eyes reflected such innocence.

"Wait here, I'll tell Regina there's a princess waiting for her." Snow's touch on the shoulder snapped her back into reality.

"Thank you, Aunt Snow– can I call you that?"

Snow grinned and gently squeezed her hand. "Well, I'm honored." She winked. "I'll be right back."



She jumped in her chair, slamming her hand to the desk. "Didn't I tell you to knock!? I was trying to write my letter in peace!"

Snow hugged her, giggling. "Letters can wait! There's someone who's waiting for you and you've been waiting for her!"

"Her? I didn't expect anyone today, Snow. So quit teasing."

"I'm not, Regina. Please. Letters can wait!" She grabbed her hands and slightly pulled her to get up.

"What do you want? You're not a teenager anymore, Snow." Regina rolled her eyes.

"There's someone outside that you have been waiting for years; for sixteen years."

Regina's eyes grew wide. The clue was more than enough. She let go from Snow's grip, rushing to the hall. Her heart beating so fast that she could her it pounding in her ear. Snow White just wouldn't give her a false hope or a cruel joke. Snow White must have told her the truth. She must be here. She ran fast, almost tripping on her dress.

She held the door for a second, gathering the power in her to face her. There was a subtle skepticism running in her head, but she shook them away. Snow White won't trick her, she believed.

She swung them open. The girl's back was facing her and covered in a royal blue hood. Realizing that she wasn't alone anymore, the girl turned around and lowered her hood. Snow White didn't lie. It is her baby, her beloved princess. She is here.

"Hi, my name is Evie. You must be Queen Regina. I'm your– "

Regina ran toward her daughter, shushing her daughter with a tight hug. She cried the tears that have been held for sixteen years. In something that felt like forever, Regina could finally feel relief. Her daughter had grown up into a beautiful young lady; looks exactly like her younger self.

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