Vediovous shook his head. “ItS CagE TimE NOw, No mOrE FoOd” he said, getting on the floor and just curling up, closing his eyes with a sigh. He has a schedule this his bastard mother brainwashed into him.

“Umm. . . you can sleep on a bed if you want rest. . . you don’t need to be on the floor, and there is no ‘cage time’ here. You can stay up for as long as you like.” I said, wondering why Vediovous was set on all these bad things. It makes me wonder what the royal family did to the poor prince. 

Vediovous slowly sat up and looked up at Gaster. “” he repeated robotically. “NOt FoR FilThY GliTchES lIkE Me.” after he said this, he lay back down on the floor, his back against the couch. “GoOD MOnsTErS Get ALl THe NicesT ThINgs...GlitChEs lIkE Me MusT gO inTo A CagE…” he sighed, closing his eyes.

I waited for him to fall asleep, then picked Vediovous up and put him on a bed in a spare room I had in the house, then went off to bed myself in my own room. I had a bad dream, a dream about everyone I love who was dead coming back to life, only for them to be killed again. All I saw was a figure, moving back and forth rapidly, all fuzzy so I couldn’t see, and the words ‘You will never be happy’ before I woke up. 

Vediovous was kneeling down beside him, holding onto his left arm. “ArE YoU oK?” he asked gently, concerned eyes looking down at Gaster, Vediovous’s aura feeling like a worried mother down towards Gaster. “YoU HaD A NiGhTMaRe...arE YoU AlriGhT?” he may have been horrifically abused, but he was very caring, especially for a five year old.

“Y-Yeah, I think I’m ok. I think I’m. . . I think. . .” I didn’t know how to react or respond. No-one ever helped me, especially during a nightmare. But, How did he know It was a nightmare? “How did you get in here?” I said instead, mainly because the door was locked. “I locked the door.”

Vediovous hummed. “I Can TelepORt In diRe SituAtioNs” he explained. A five year old should not know big words like this. 

“So, your 5, right? How did your vocabulary get so good? After all, every other aspect of you so far has been horribly mistreated, and you seem to be hated at the castle.” I wanted answers, after all. I didn’t know much about glitches, and I needed the research before it was too late. 

Vediovous nodded with a soft hum. “iM VerY ObserVAnT And GliTchEs aRe NaturALly SmaRTEr ThaN nOrmAl MOnsTers And HUmaNs. We HaVe mOrE StabLE ANd BuiLt Up DNA ThaN OtHeRs” he smiled a bit, proud of how smart he was. “I KnEw YoU WerE HavInG A NiGhtMaRe BecaUse i GEt thEm FrequentlY” how the!? Gaster didn’t say anything about that!

“Wait, how did you know I was having a nightmare? You responded like I said something but I. . . I didn’t say anything? CAN YOU READ MINDS!?” I half yelled in fear and surprise. 

Vediovous giggled a bit, shaking his head. “YOuR AuRA” he said, pointing to Gaster. “I caN FeEl YoUr AurA” he giggled a bit more. “YoUR AUra Gives Off How YoU FeEl, It’s The EmotiOns ThAt CoMe FroM YoUr SouL, GlitCheS CaN EasiLy FeEl AnoTHEr's AUrA” he smiled more. 

“Oh. . . I see?” I said, not sure how to respond. “I didn’t know that glitches could do that. . .” I pondered. 

Vediovous nodded, sitting down by Gaster. “nOw...ArE YoU AlrigHt? YoU WoKe Up ScrEamInG…” he frowned in worry, again, looking like a worried mother for all the world to see. 

“I should be fine soon, It wasn’t too bad of a dream. Just some classic dreams.” As soon as I said that, I followed with “You said you had nightmares? How bad are they?”

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