Chapter I

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On July 12, 2005, A baby girl was born. Her name was Rianna Cuasay. Everything went smoothly as expected. But, by the time the exact time of birth was being recorded by the nurses, A lightning bolt struck, With loud, roaring thunder being heard for miles away.

The heart-stopping Lightning was struck nearby the hospital where She was born. With that extraordinary moment, They decided to give Rianna a special nickname to remember the unexpected event. They nicknamed her Thunder.

She grew up, Living a normal life. She celebrates her birthday every year, and each time, They'd always recall the reason of her nickname.

She loved every second of living her life. She had a Very loving and supporting family, Who she loved dearly and would do anything to protect.

One day, She went with her mother to the playground in the park, Just a few blocks away from her home. There, she saw someone, a kid her age.

"Hello, are you Okay?" She asked the young boy, who was sitting by the rock. For some reason, He was upset, with no one to play with or to talk to.

The boy stayed silent, He didn't have an answer back. Until, He spoke out to her. "I'm sad, I have no one to play with.." He said, with tears filled in his eyes. "I can play with you" Rianna spoke before he could even finish. With a smile on the boy's face, "R-really? Thank you!" He said, happily.

The two became instant friends. They played around the park from dawn 'till dusk. Then came the time when they had to part ways.


Time passed, and it was her first day of Second grade in her School. A step-up to her future. When she enters the gate, She sees someone in the distance. It was the Young boy she met in the park months ago. They both exchange glances before they  realize that they knew each other.

"Hey! You were the kid from The park!" The boy greeted her joyfully. "Yeah, It's so great to see you again!" She answered back.

"I didn't catch your name back then.." Yanna added. "Oh, Same here," he chuckled, answering back. "My name's Aaron" He introduced. "Nice name! I'm Rianna, or you can call me yanna for short" They both share a hug before parting ways on their way to their assigned classrooms.


As the years past by, Their relationship with each other grew strong every second they spent together. They became the best of friends with an Undeniable bond.

She even met new friends along the way. Amiel, Aaron's twin brother, Althea, And Kent. The band of these five Friends stuck together through thick and thin. They were always there for each other no matter what, and for Rianna, it matters most.

Four years pass by, They were all in the sixth grade, The final Grade in their elementary lives before they graduate. There, she met someone who was very special to her. Ms. Garcia, Her adviser. Sure, it's very unusual seeing a teacher spending time with a student. But, Her adviser was different. They spent every fun moments at school together. Sometimes, when there's no school, they would always be found together, spending time with each other.

Rianna was very thankful that she met this special teacher in the first place, because She changed her life.. forever..

One starry night, as the stars above them were seen glistening through the night sky, Rianna and Ms. Garcia were walking by the walkway through the garden. While talking, they got distracted, and went through a different way. But what they didn't know, is that they went the wrong turn, and got lost in the forest.

"Um.. Ms., I think we're lost.." Rianna spoke out of the blue, moving away from the topic they were once talking about. They stopped, Looking around their surroundings. "I guess we are.." Ms. Garcia answered. "But, don't worry, we'll find our way back" She added, reassuring her with her positive vibes.

Then they stumbled upon an open area in the forest. While passing by, Rianna sees something in the corner of her eye. "What's that?!" She shouted a bit, pointing to where the center of the open area was. A blue, glowing circle started forming in the grass.

Alarmed, they both step back. But, out of curiosity, Rianna started to step forward, Trying to check this mysterious glowing circle out. "Yanna! I don't think we should come closer, It might be something dangerous.." Ms. Garcia warned, grabbing Her by the right arm.

Examining it more, Rianna said "I'm sure it's perfectly safe, Ms." She said, trying to reassure her. Carefully walking forward towards it, She placed gentle steps to observe it more. But, Deep down inside, Ms. Garcia was not convinced, she wanted to try and convince her student to stop, because she felt something was up with this.

Staring at the glowing circle on the grass, She felt something. Something felt wrong about all of this. Then, She felt a tingling sensation, that felt like electricity flowing though her veins. Then She knew something was wrong.

Suddenly, she heard Loud thunder in the clouds right above the two. Rianna then looked up to see, stepping back. When suddenly...

A loud, ear-breaking Thunder then erupted. They both realized that they had to leave the place immediately. But it was too late..

"Look out!" Ms. Garcia screamed out loud to Rianna. The lightning was too fast for her to dodge. She was hit by lightning! Ms. Garcia stood in shock as Rianna was being hit by this lightning bolt.

As the lightning hit her, She felt an extremely strong Jolt of electricity flow into her. As she closed her eyes, she saw a figure. Strangely enough, it looked like a shadow of a person. A broad shouldered, tall shadow, that was holding some sort of lightning bolt staff.

"You are chosen.. use the power well.. the powers of thunder.." the shadow whispered. She then felt the lightning stop. She then fell to the ground, blacking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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