The End and a new Beginning

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Clarkes POV
At the party for Jesse's death anniversary wow when you say it out loud that sounds so bad...but back to what I was saying we're at kara and Lena's house and I'm about to give a speech (A/N play the song and read slowly or read the rest of the chapter with the song) here I go. " a long time ago Jesse said something to me I will never forget and to this day I remember she told me that 'life has a way of making things hard and taking people away but you need to know clarke that for what ever happens over the next few days that I will always love you that even in the brink of death you will know what life does to us and along the way it will be hard for you or us to understand. even when you know that it going good you will never know what happens next' and she never gave up on anyone the whole time she made sure everyone around her was taken care of and that she never took a minute to take care of herself and that is what heros do they think of others before  themselves and the day she died all she could think about was Alex, Alicia,Kara and I the day she died she died a hero in the military they have saying gone but never forgotten and that is what she is gone but she will never be forgotten. To the Flash from earth-38. We love you Jess" and after the party Alicia and I went back to our apartment. "Hey Clarke?" "Yes babe." "What do you think jess would be doing if she was still alive?" "I think her and Alex would be living happy ever after and she'd still be a hero. Why?" "Because she reminds me a lot of you even if you are journalist." "Thanks babe now no more talking." "Yes ma'am." We know that in the end all Jesse could think about was how the world would go on she is the reason I'm still alive that we are all still alive.

Jesse POV
Weird right how am I still alive well I'm not still alive I'm dead just telling you what's been going on from the day I died. Clarke and Alicia lived out their lives and adopted a kid. Alex did the same but a baby and named it after her dad. Kara and lena got married and had kids. But their lives all went on even without me and I am so proud of all of them. To me this isnt just the end but also a new beginning.  Commander Jesse Griffin signing off.

A/N it's the end of the story but this leads me to think that we will have another book later but about kara and lena. Leave a comment and tell me what you think about the book and if you liked the ending. Word count 504

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