What do I put here???

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I'm boooooooooooorrrrrrrrred..

Idk, what should I put?? I've never done something like this, sooooooo......????

Why am I actually taking the time to do this........ *facepalms*

Whatever, I already started, so why not see it through.. *shrugs*

blah blah blah, ima disappointment to society and my family, blaaaaaaahhh~~~~

I picked random genre cuz the chapters will prob change as my mood changes.. Daily.... :P

Cool mashup I found on youtube: FOB, Evanescence, & MCR; Centuries, Bring Me To Life, & The Black Parade. I swear, my emo went up like 99.999999999999999999999999% lol

I don't knooooooooooooowwwwwwwww

I'm probably going to delete all this, but who knows. Right now my mood is: I don't care, do whatcha want. Leaf me to die a painful death, if you wish it~ |P

Killllllllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

No, don't do that, that's illegal.

'Nother fun song: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off


Idk why, everything just seems really dull rn...........

Meh, blech, blurp, bloop, blop, leek, lech, grrrrrrrrrlick, ssssssssssalna, loot, woot, root, coot, floot, soot, poot, toolala, feelalakillynei, hishyhiss, belp, belt, leprocy, cans, Canadia, gerl, gel, sell, tell, mell, fell, carlyle, tar, mar, far, car, sar, ry, tea, lee, cree, mcphee, lickady, split, lit, legit, sit, fit, pit, line, tine. shrine, mine, feline, canine, shoo, shoe, too, two, to, floo, flew, flu, mew, sew, sewed, crowed, Qrow, Raven, Ruby, Weiss, lice, rice, mice, Blake, rake, wake, fake, take, lake, lochness monster.......

Can you tell I'm bored yet? -w-"


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