chapter 82: ve day and austria

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" Listen up." Winters said, unfolding the paper. " From Corps, it just came in. Effective immediately, all troops stand fast on present positions." Charlotte cocked a brow as Welsh stood firmly his chin up in a joking manner.

" Standing fast." she heard Nixon say with a smirk as he leaned back with his hands behind his ears.

" What does that mean?" she heard Speirs ask, and she nearly laughed at the poor man and his drunkness. Welsh let out a snort, and Winters laughed at him.

" Do you want to hear it?" Winters asked smiling.

" Mmm." Welsh said with a smirk.

" Uh-huh? Are you ready for it? Listen up." Winters said and turned to the group, watching the girl. " The German Army surrendered." Charlotte's eyes grew wide, almost to the size of soccer balls. She couldn't comprehend it at first. She felt her knees suddenly go wobbly and she felt lightheaded as well, as she collapsed on the chair right next to Speirs. She stared up at Winters with wide eyes. They'd been at war for so long, and had been fighting for almost a year that the girl really didn't know how to react. Speirs and Nixon looked out of the drunken states up at the Major. It was silent, all they could hear was the wind over the mountains. Welsh's smile dropped, in what seemed to be shock. Winters smacked his cheek lightly to wake him.

" I've got a present for you. Come on." Winters said pointing to Nixon. Winters turned with a smile and walked away, Nixon gathering his stuff and following the Major out of the balcony.

" Is it?" Welsh asked to no one.

" Yeah." Lipton said walking forward as he hugged the man close to him. The two laughed in the embrace before pulling away, and looking at the dazed girl. Her eyes were glazed over as she still stared wide eyed.

" It's over?" she whispered looking up to Lip and Welsh.

" It's over, sunshine." Lip said. The girl almost, in spite of herself, went to stand on the edge of the balcony of the Eagle's Nest and scream the words 'currahee' over and over until her throat got raw, while another part of her wanted to break down sobbing, or she wanted to start sipping some of the liquor herself, but she didn't want to do it here, not yet. So she did the only thing she could do. She immediately jumped up and into Lip's arms, hugging the man close with complete joy. She giggled in his ear before pulling away and being pulled into a hug from Welsh. He was still loopy, but he seemed to now be considering the fact that the Germans have surrendered. That's when she turned to Speirs and was pulled into a warm hug from the CO. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her from the ground slightly and it only made her laugh more. The CO pulled back with a still dazed, surprised face, which made the girl smile wider. And with that she turned, stood up on that edge of the Eagle's Nest and screamed.

" Currahee!" she yelled, her voice getting louder and louder with each one as her voice echoed over the town below and into the skies and the heavens with all the soldiers that had passed. And she was heard, she felt the whole world could hear her and see her. And they could.

Welsh and Lipton left, leaving Charlotte still looking out with the drunk Speirs, lying back on the chair half awake.

" You're pretty." Speirs said. She looked over her shoulder at him with a raised brow.

" You're drunk." she said. She walked over, and sat down on the opposite chair. Speirs looked over at her, with a lazy look in his eyes watching the girl.

" What?" she asked, smiling.

" You're very pretty." he said. She giggled softly, but couldn't help the blush that rose up her cheeks. He was just drunk though, he didn't mean it. That's what she attempted to tell herself the rest of the day. Herman Goering's vault of wine had been discovered by Winters, the present he had for Nixon, and it was all anybody drunk, except Charlotte and a few who opted not to get drunk on VE day. The men celebrated, downing cup after cup of wine into their bodies the night of May 7th, and officially on VE day May 8th, she heard that Nixon woke up with bottles surrounding the entirety of his bed and the ground around it. The celebrations continued all through the 8th and into the early morning hours of the 9th where many had then opted for bed, waking up later on the 9th feeling sick and hungover. Charlotte smiled. She didn't drink, but plenty of the men did and she made her morning rounds both days to deliver water and pain meds for the boys. Some were still a little drunk in the morning, as she handed out pain meds, and they'd grab her hand and kiss it and say she was an angel from heaven, to where she'd laugh and tell them to drink some water. She managed to help Gene, who had been smart and not gotten drunk because he knew he'd have to administer pain meds, pack up the aid station, before loading the boxes onto trucks.

Oliver the bunny had been left in the care of Babe who sat with the tiny thing is his lap as the other men loaded the trucks with equipment. They moved out for Austria, which was possibly the most beautiful place Charlotte had ever been. They'd been the aggressive combat unit turned occupation force and Charlotte was there for it. A big group of them talked on the way to Austria on the truck, everyone seemingly involved in the light hearted conversation, cracking jokes and laughing to try and distract everyone from sickness and pounding headaches. Easy Company, well they had proved themselves greatly in this feat in the war, and Charlotte smiled.

" Currahee bitches." she mumbled to herself, a smirk on her bright features. No one had wanted to leave Berchtesgaden, until they saw Austria. It was beautiful. As they entered the town of Zell Am See, the sun rising over the hued landscape, a warm breeze brushing through the blooming trees and flowers. The trucks traveled behind one another as the defeated German troops walked past. Charlotte's eyes shined when she noticed the huge lake that sat in the sun surrounded by greenery and mountains. She slowly stood in the truck, removing her loose helmet and staring with a lopsided smile at the sight. Her heart felt light as others began to stand and look around as well. There were snow covered mountains along with the glistening water of the lakes, and the breeze with the leaves on the trees only brightened the girl's spirits. She couldn't stop smiling, even as a few tears were brought to her eyes. They'd made it. The rolling fields filled with farm life, combined with the small towns filled with Austrian people with smiles, made her heart feel warm. A few men even began calling out to the young women and Charlotte could only smile at their antics. Boys will always be boys, even in a war. The war was over. The trucks continued to move as Charlotte was bouncing around with glee, tempted to jump over the edge and straight onto the ground to start exploring and doing things. Her smiles grew to all the men, and once the trucks were pulled in and parked Charlotte immediately hopped down from the truck smiling at everything around her with wide eyes. She noticed the big building like the hotel place at Berchtesgaden and saw all the superiors driving their jeeps up into the place. 

Colonel Sink, must've really enjoyed Berchtesgaden Hof. 


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