chapter 80: saving the bunny

Start from the beginning

" Will he die?" she asked, reaching forward and petting the bunny's ears softly. Gene looked over at the girl with a sorrowful sigh. He placed a hand gentle on her back and rubbed it in small circles before looking back at the bunny.
" If done correctly and healed properly he'll survive." Gene said nodding to her. She nodded back and sighed again.

" What should we do?" she asked.

" We'll probably have to make injections where the spinal cord is, with the metal rods to hold it in place and then wrap him up, feed him, rest him, give him whatever meds we think we can give him and see if he heals up any." Gene explained, petting the bunny gently. " I can make the injection if you don't want to watch. You can gather some carrots or lettuce for him if you'd like." The girl perked up with a wide smile in his direction.

" I can gladly do that." she said, getting to her feet. She looked down at the bunny with a soft smile before leaning down and kissing the little creatures nose gentle as it twitched its nose again.

" Be good for Gene, alright?" she said to the bunny rubbing its head. She stood up and looked to Gene.

" I'll be back." she said and gave one last glance at the bunny before turning and heading out of the aid station. Gene watched her go and then turned back to the little bunny. He knelt down and pet the creature as it continued to twitch its nose and he smiled fondly at it. The girl had a big heart he knew that, and she shared her love with everyone. He thought it was now time to spread some of his own love and give back to the girl. He was going to save the bunny. Charlotte headed out of the aid station, placing her helmet firmly on her head and shouldering the medic satchel, before making way to where the trucks were beginning to unload some of the food just to cook for tonight. She walked through the streets where soldiers milled about and she looked up to the Eagle's Nest briefly wondering if her friends were still up there possibly getting drunk off of whatever they were drinking. She chuckled to herself as she made way towards the trucks again.

" Hey! Sunshine! Charlotte!" she heard a voice calling and she turned to see Vest with a stack of mail in his hands.

" Hey Vest." she greeted with a small smile, as he fished out a letter from the pile. She sent her last one over a month ago so she was glad to see the quick correspondence.

" Just got this in for you." he said as she read over the front of the letter and her heart missed a beat.

" Thanks." she mumbled.

" Oh wait, here's another. And wait one more sorry, you got some fans." he said with a chuckle as she got the two other letters and thanked him with a smile. She forgot about the carrot, searching for a place to sit down and read the letters. She found a tiny dock nearby, so she sat, letting her feet dangle over the water's edge as a gentle breeze blew in and she heard the birds singing to her. She carefully opened the first letter and smiled at the heading slightly. It was from Joe and Bill.


We miss you like crazy. The nurses are great, but they're not you. We miss your smile, your laugh, your attitude, when you scrunch up your nose when you laugh. We miss you. But, there's not a day that goes by where we don't see your picture somewhere. They have magazines all about you, and pictures with interviews from Sink and McAuliffe, Winters, Nixon, and Speirs. They say the nicest things, too. We heard you're a Sergeant too! And that you got a Purple Heart from Holland, as well as that Combat Medic Badge. You deserve it, after everything you've done. We're being flown back to the states soon, but when this damn war is finally over, you'll be getting a visit from both of us. We heard about your brother as well Charlotte, and we are sorry. We know how much of a close knit family you were and how much you love your siblings, so our hearts break for you. We hope all the guys are well and especially you, since you were extremely sick the last time we saw you. Stay healthy for us kiddo. And we hope the next time we speak will be in person. We love you, kid.

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