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Just a  little quick note. I did not create any of the Harry Potter carachters except for my own. She deserves all the credit for creating the most wonderful world ever.



      Harry was eating when Professor McGonagall came by on her way out to talk to Peeves the Poltergeist. He had kept quiet, listening to the argument Hermione and Ron were having over the way Ron ate.

"Harry, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office after dinner. Come find me so I can take you." She said walking briskly down the stone floor of the beautiful Great Hall with its enchanted ceiling. She passed Nearly Headless Nick and the Slytherins own ghost, the Bloody Baron. The Bloody Baron floated after McGonagall to provide backup. Every single whispering student quieted as the Baron passed afraid that he would over hear what they were talking about and use the information against them.

        "I wonder what Dumbledore wants." Ron mumbled, spraying pudding all over the place, mostly on Harry. When all of the food had been demolished, Dumbledore stood to give his usual speech about the forest being out of bounds for all and Hogsmead to all below third year. Before dinner, he had said something that shocked everyone. The Inter-House Quidditch Cup would not take place due to an event-taking place later that year that would take all of the teacher’s time and energy. To Harry, Quidditch was his life.

      To everyone's astonishment, Dumbledore had said that the Tri-Wizard Tournament got reinstated and only students the age of 17 and up would be able to participate. Fred and George had burst into yells. They were upset because they were only 16, a few months away from their 17th birthday. Dumbledore's speech finished, he dismissed them.

"Hey, I’ll meet you in the common room." Harry said breaking off from his good friends Hermione and Ron. He went off searching for Professor McGonagall. Harry found her looking up angrily at Peeves. Peeves had tried to drop a water balloon on her head as Harry had turned the corner.

"Ooh, scarhead is here." Peeves said preparing another balloon. Harry ducked when Peeves threw it. Peeves gave an upset, humph, and floated off, defeated.

"Aaah, Harry there you are. Let's go to Dumbledore’s office, we mustn't let him wait." McGonagall said turning towards Harry, signaling Harry to follow, she walked off, leaving Harry confused. Running to catch up with her Harry was aching to ask why Dumbledore wanted him. Professor McGonagall led Harry up to Dumbledore's office and pushed open the door. Motioning for Harry to sit, Harry sat.

      Sitting in the chair, Harry squirmed under the gazes of the teachers, especially the new DADA teacher, and those of Headmasters of past.

"Do you know why I have brought you here Harry?" Dumbledore asked, his sparkling blue eyes looking out from behind his half-moon glasses. Dumbledore waited for Harry's answer. Shaking his head, Harry flinched when McGonagall grabbed a ginger snap.

"Well, then I will get straight to the point. Harry, you have a half-sister. She is approximately 15 minutes older than you." Dumbledore sighed, before leaning back in his chair. He still looked at Harry observing his reaction of surprise. Madame Pomfrey was helping Professor McGonagall remove a shard of ginger snap that had shot into the side of her cheek. She had been sucking on it waiting for it to stop trying to escape, when she had accidentally bit down on it.

"We sent a tutor to her because her foster parents thought she was too young to travel so far. Normally we would not do that but we did not want her to be behind and be made fun of. She will be sorted in two weeks; she is advanced in Potions and Transfiguration, so she will be in with the 7th years. And Harry, she does have a scar from Voldemort." Dumbledore continued ignoring the flinches of the Professors in the room. "Now it is obvious that this is a lot of information to sort through in such a short time, so I want you to go to bed, and get some well needed sleep."

      Harry just nodded and walked out the door. He turned at the last second to hear Professor McGonagall ask Dumbledore who her father was.

      Shaking off memories of the World Cup, Harry stumbled down the stairs to the Gryffindore portrait of a Fat Lady. Just as he realized he did not know the password, Fred, or was it George? Pulled Harry into the Common Room. Bombarded with questions, Harry just walked to a chair in front of the fireplace and slid into it. Then Harry said four words that would change his life forever.

"I have a sister." 

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