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Welcome to my rewrite of Voltron: Legendary Defender season 7 & 8. Personally, when they first came out I liked them but as time goes by and I have started to dislike them, not utterly hate but have an immense dislike for the episodes as they have lost what is the main core elements of the series, found family. By season 8 they've all become so detached from each other that I can barely see them as allies much less a family that has fought with one another in a war. I loved the aspect that they were a family as many of their original character arcs involved family, Pidge was finding her lost family, Lance & Hunk both wanted to protect their families, Keith was searching for answers about his mother & Allura wants to make her father proud. Their acts were about family and then turned into having a found family.

LGBTQ+ rep is something we did get in season 3 but I only want our characters to be happy. Shiro especially Shiro. Shiro has been abused by both the writers and fans. I didn't hate his wedding, I loved that he looked so HAPPY. I just want them HAPPY! I may not ship Klance but I can see how people thought that they'd be endgame since they were codded to be a rival to lovers relationship but after certain fans did something to make the creators change their minds. Seriously, Bex was scared of our fandoms, to people where are in the top 5 Toxic Communities. PLEASE, it is a quiznacking CARTOON.

Back from that tangent, I have this very odd though that to me makes sense...Adam & Shiro's relationship wasn't planned or to be the rep. If this was, then why didn't we see Adam until season 7? The original plan was to have Shiro die after season 2 and Keith would have remained on the team for all of season 4-6. So, yeah, personally I just am upset because our characters are not happy and not a family by the end of the finale.

Now I need to have some changes from earlier seasons to make this work and that'll come up with a (No.) next to the change. But yeah Please enjoy, to anyone who hates, well you aren't welcome.

DISCLAIMERS: Voltron: Legendary Defenders do not belong to me. It belongs to DreamWorks.

Warning/s: AU, OOC, OC, and many more.

Pairing/s: Jaith, Allurance, Plance, Adashi, Huney, etc.

Summary: A classic rewrite of Voltron: Legendary Defenders season 7 & 8, some changes may apply to earlier seasons to make the story understandable.

VLD is not mine it belongs to DreamWorks. Go watch it on Netflix, not all that bad.

Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 7 & 8 RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now