Celebs can't plan suprises.

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"Cary...I swear to god Im not suffering from "Gerard withdrawals",thats fucking ridiculous!!"

"Aha! U forgt whom ur talking to girlie! U only swear when ur frustrated or .lying!! N at this moment..ur both"

"Fine..so i miss them..I really mean Them and not only him.'

"Well then i have news for u,MCR plays in L.A tomorrow!U should meet them and-"

"omg really?? Theyre here?? Thts awesome! Ur amazing Care,but why didnt they tell me? I just spoke to Frank yesterday..."

"Ugh girl lemme finish.As i was saying,why dont y'all plan a few shows together? You're actually jobless at the moment arent you?"

"Why oh why arent u my manager!!? That is freaking awesome! Alright!"

"someone's excited to see someone

..Anyway girl meet up amd tell me if y'all decide something k? I gotta go"

"Ok dokie! Seeya"

Its been a few weeks since Warped ended and we separated for the guys to continue their tour.

My friendship with them had really strenghthened.And gerard had also slowly ditched the drugs.That alone had made me so happy.Mikey was over the moon.I giggled as I remember how loosened up he was those last few days.Gee and I hung out together the most probably out of all the guys.I had to agree with Mikey that he was one of the sweetest and bestest friends anyone could ever have.It was time with him that I forgot that our every damn move was recorded by the press and that we would never have the kind of privacy we craved.Not that we needed it.He and Lyndsey were still together and we had not addressed the fact how absurd it was.

Well..Maybe when we meet tomorrow.I broke off from musings and give Frank a piece of my mind for not telling me about their arrival here!

He picked up on the first ring.I started casually,"You know..when y'all get here tomorrow,remind me to kick your asses.Especially yours."

There was a panicked silence at the other end.

"Damn how'd u find out?It was supposes to be a suprised!!"

"What do you think? MCR isnt a small time band anymore ya know?"

"Ughhh Cary!! Id really like ti meet this bloke.Whatever.So now you know.You must be knwing where we'll be to then so....mwet there tomorrow?So excited to so you Jenny!"

I imagined him jumping up and down in the hotel room,judging from the grumbles thats exactly what he was doing.

"Yup,I'll be there."Can't wait.

You know you sound hot when youre mad right?"

Im pretty sure Im tomato red right now."Um you have a girl friend right?"At the same time came a reprimand frm the other side."Frank!!" Gee!

I shouted down the receiver "Hey Gee!!"

"Hey Jen!" came the reply.

"What?Even if i have a girlfriend,just appreciating beauty...."grumbled Frank.

"Haha,seeya tomorrow guys!"

Bye Jen!" came the voices of four voices.

Soo....we have a suprise guest starting in the next chapter!

I think this book is gonna stretch a bit cuz i dont really want it to end!!...and I havnt dcided hw its gonna end so got quite some pages left.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now