wait we're having a?

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Its been four months since I got sick I haven't been able to keep things down the way I needed too my hips have been getting bigger I've been eating more I don't think Robyn noticed at all I texted Nicki to bring me a pregnancy test and dropped it...

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Its been four months since I got sick I haven't been able to keep things down the way I needed too my hips have been getting bigger I've been eating more I don't think Robyn noticed at all I texted Nicki to bring me a pregnancy test and dropped it off for me I rushed upstairs with a huge water bottle drinking it while pacing the bathroom until I had to pee I sat on  pee toilet and took the tests they all came up positive how was I gonna tell Robyn that I'm pregnant with her baby I'm glad she wasn't home because she was at a concert I stayed and cried in the bed Leanna came in and gave me vitamins for the baby and some crackers since I told her and Nicki first even Chris said he'd help even and he's an asshole to me


I had made dinner for myself since Rhianna said she'd be home in an hour with a surprise I wasn't up for surprises at this moment but I couldn't say no she sounded so happy I couldn't just do that to her so I said ok and made spaghetti and sat in the living room with a blanket pop and a good selection of movies on Netflix in the middle of my movie I heard Rhianna come in and set  in bunch of clothes bags in front of me "what's all this baby " i questioned looking at her "their new clothes for you I noticed you Didn't fit your old clothes anymore so I went out and bought new ones for you I hope you like them" she smiled at me and I started to cry because she did notice how uncomfortable  notice felt in my own body so I hugged her tightly and started crying even harder as she wrapped her arms around me and rocked us back and forth "did i say anything wrong" she asked I shook my head "no-no but I do have to Shellyou something and its fine if you don't want to be with me anymore I promise "I looked at my stomach seeing my baby bump

I had made dinner for myself since Rhianna said she'd be home in an hour with a surprise I wasn't up for surprises at this moment but I couldn't say no she sounded so happy I couldn't just do that to her so I said ok and made spaghetti and sat in ...

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(Just so yall know it's not her just her belly size)

I took a deep breath " I'm pregnant and it's your baby " I said looking down at my hands thinking she was gonna shout and scream but then I heard sobs actual sobs I don't know if they were sad happy or mad sobs but she kissed me and smiled "we're gonna have a baby?" She asked me and I nodded smiling and moved the blanket out of the way for her to see my belly she looked astonished but immediately kissed my belly four or five times I giggled loudly "stop it that tickles babe " she looked at me and said three little words "I Love You" she looked shocked after she said it I was shocked she said it "I-i love you too "I smiled and looked at her and she smiled back she kissed me and picks me up bridal style leaving my food and everything down there as we went upstairs things got heated quickly by shirt and bra were off in a matter of seconds she laid me down on our shared bed that smelt like lavender I guess miss. Shirley washed the sheets and covers for me before she went home not to self: cook that woman some damn food because whew I love her too "I uh is this safe to do? I don't wanna hurt the baby" she said which made me giggle "sex is perfectly okay let's just be gentle tonight okay?" She nodded and kissed my lips again and started to tug my leggings and panties off of me in one swift motion they were off and on the floor somewhere she started to undress her self right after me and she attached her lips to my nipple licking and sucking it while teasing the other one I moaned out softly into the air I think that pushed her to go further and move down towards my area and she looked at it with wide eyes "I do not know how you do it but Jesus Christ" she noted on how wet I was and stuck a finger inside of me curling it up into my G-spot making  me moan out in pleasure as she added another finger increasing the pave of her thrusts "fuck Robyn" I said her real name because she says 'it boosts my ego' she smirked as I threw my head back and she smacked my clit really hard "look at me, not the ceiling let me see those pretty little eyes baby girl" I did as told and looked at her smiling at me "I'm gonna cum" I spoke out loudly "hold it, baby almost done you think you could hold it for me" she questioned me with s gentle but dominant voice I shook my head no closing my eyes again "please daddy please" I begged her and her fingers went faster and deeper "justttttttttt a little while longer baby you Ian mske it like a good girl dont you wanna be goodddddd?" She asked and I nodded her fingers went faster and  nodded until she kissed my clit and nodded at me yo cum "go ahead baby let go like a good girl scream my name for me " she told me and I let go all over her fingers screaming and cursing up a storm I'm pretty sure neighbors called in for a noise complaint "g-go- f-fu-mmmmmmmmm" my words were cut off as my highly built orgasm rippled through me like a train she stood up and slid off her boxers letting her member spring free she teased my folds for a good minute until she just pushed into me quickly and smoothly her thrusts were enough me yo adjust to her we  kissed   moaned each other's mouth until we were saying i Iove you over snd andr again until we reached our highs strings of curse words followed after each grunt and groan that night was s great night

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