And then I thought about Gerard and me.

The obvious mutual attraction.How easy it was with each other.Like they'd known each other for years.How my heart skipped beats whenever I thought about him.The list of countless.But no matter what,I can't be a Kayla.I refuse to be a Kayla even if it stands in the way of...what?Love?It sort of feels like it.I don't wanna be that girl even if the girlfriend doesnt deserve him..Keep reminding yourself Jen.Lyndsey.Lyndsey.Lyndsey.I want him to come to the realization himself.Of how she cares about him in no way.Doesnt see the wonderful person he is.I've known him for about 2 weeks and even I can see that.Ok stop right there.Too deep for lumch time.

I started getting ready for lunch.I wasnt gonna make an effort like I did last time.It wasnt a date.Just two friends.I wore a yellow and white sundress.Ok,so I made a bit of an effort.A girl can feel nice once in a while.

So when Gerard,looking incredible showed up with his mouth hanging open again I DID feel good.Attention isnt uncommon for me but from Gerard...I could feel my insides warm up.Not good.
Did i mention he looked hot?Trouble.

"Quit staring.Lets go."

He clenched hia jaw,took my hand and led the way.

Once we were seated,I grinned and said,"I didnt know you clean up so well."

He turned red,"Th-Thanks...I..well u look...remember when i called you am angel?"

I looked up from the menu in suprise,"Yeah..You remember?"

"I do...i dunno why.Anyway,I was right."

I looked away blushing"thanks.."I didnt take the compliment that time but now i sure did.

After our orders,conversation started smoothly.If you asked what we talked about...well I wouldnt be able to answer,cuz we talked about EVERYTHING.Bands,childhood,favorite things,interests.It was unbelievable how much we had in common.He told me about his love for comics,with a promise that he'll show me soon.I have never felt this open with anyone except Cary.Uh oh.Speaking of him,he will kill me if he learns about this from the news and not me.

"Shit! I forgot to ask.What the hell do you mean your brothers "here"?You mean like here here??

I giggled.Seriously.I Do Not giggle.

"Sorry to scare you.I didnt mean like right now.I meant like hes in a band,its called Broken,so you might-"

He cut me off"Wait.Your brother's in Broken???Whats his name?oh wait Cayden right?Oh my god!!Your brother's Cayden Hardy.No.Way."

"Yes,Gerard Way" I smirked.

He rolled his eyes."Psh,heard all the jokes.But really,how could i not make the connection?Its obvious how you look know."

"Well...we dont really look alike.Soo...and i didnt really think you'd know them..They're not really famous."

He frowned."Yeah..I've always found that kinda weird.How they refuse to get more popular.I mean they could go places but its like they dont want to."

I nodded."Cay never wanted fame,only the music"....

"Jen?Don't you think you should try meeting him..You've made it so far...."

I nodded again sighing,"Yeah,i know...I keep finding excuses..."

"Well,I'll go with you "

I looked at him gratefully,"You will?"

"I want to cuz frankly he sounds like an ass,no offence."

I laughed softly,None taken.And thanks,I'd....really like that."I smiled.

Looking at the watch i gave a start of suprise,"Oh!We actually sat here for 3 hours!"

"Really??It felt like no time at all!",he said voicing my thought.

"Suprised the waitress didnt remind us.." i said as we walked out.

He shook his head"She wouldnt dare"

"Why not?"

"Well,how should i put this...Most celebs are kinda scary?"

I scowled,"See?Thats exactly the thing I hate.Celebs arent Gods..."

"Yeah i know,sometimes I forget i can't call us "normal", sure felt normal though today",he smiled wistfully.
It did.

As we reached my bus,I turned to hug him."Thanks really made up for that day." I teased.

He tensed and smiled nervously.."Hehe sorry,Your welcome..."
And just like that there was the big elephant named Lyndsey in the room.
Me and my big mouth.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now