Recipe 2 - Your Actions

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Actions or tasks are necessary for 1) Family 2) Society 3) Self.

Work with the best in you with a right attitude of mind without fears regarding failures. Don't worry or have anxiety about the results as this will lead to lot of wastage of mental energy.

Then one becomes inefficient to do the task in hand. Wastage of mental energy also affects your physical energy.

If you are constantly expecting a reward it prevents you from giving full attention to your work and leads to inadequate performance, and so unsatisfactory results. If results are inadequate or no results you tend to give up the task rather than taking up the task with renewed energy. You should also not abandon work due to any physical discomfort. Work never kills but lack of work kills.

Due to fears also you leave the task or you don't put in full efforts and

go for short cuts of unfair means to acquire wealth, fame etc.

If your mind is bothered about the results of your actions, you are drifted from the present to the future. While all actions are to be done efficiently in the present, which is a gift to you. You lose your focus also and that affects the efficiency of work being done. That is why present is called dynamic. Future should be thought of only for planning of your works, not thinking of the results. Past can be remembered to learn from your mistakes done in the past so that you don't repeat them again. Clock is just ticking so all actions to be done in present. You will be able to concentrate on work at hand only if you don't think of past and future. It is said past is history and future is mystery.

You should not abandon work because of laziness or just because you don't want to exert yourself. On the contrary lack of physical and mental activity can lead to many medical problems. Action is needed to take care of yourself, your family, and also as responsibility towards the society.

Most of your actions are related to procuring food, clothes, housing and other materialistic needs for yourself and the family. You work very hard for it. Lot of stress and competition is also there. If along with the competition jealousy is there then worry and stress is more. Best way is to compete with your own self, fix your own goals and do the best to achieve them. Don't copy anyone or compete with others. If you compete with others how many yardsticks you will consider? Your looks, education, family, health, credentials of family, wealth, your house, career etc. etc. No two individuals are alike.

You might be good in something and the other person in anything else. Also the comparison with whom you are doing, is he perfect? Only God is perfect. Better evolve yourself to match Him! Do the best and leave the rest. In this competitive world lot of lot of damages are done to your physical and mental health due to anxiety, worry, fear, stress etc. Some actions for the repair of the damages are required.

Actionsrelated to compassion are needed to do the repair work for the damages caused by actions of competitive work. These actions of repair are selfless, done for others.

They can be done for the economically weak or whosoever comes to you or sometimes in any emergent situation. No personal motive of yours is there. Only motive is to help someone without expecting anything in return, not even the motive to please God or get a ticket to heaven. Believe it such actions give you lot of peace and happiness which you will never find in your self centered competitive world. People are beautiful due to compassion and generosity rather than wealth and glamour. Don't expect any thanks for the help given by you to anyone, rather thank God that He gave you the opportunity to help someone.

By these actions you can connect with lot of other people besides your family and people at work.

There is a nice saying,

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