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(Sabre's P.O.V:) (shocker. Gonna be this way unless he passes out or something. Sorry, not sorry!)

I traveled to Lucas' little town, wanting to talk to him. (They aren't players here. They live in the Steve Saga world, and are considered the only two of their kind. So :p) After what happened with Void Steve, I needed a break. So naturally, I decided to go to the only person who had never once flinched away from me for any reason. Not after I showed him my eyes, not after My parents... did what they did, and not after everything with the Steves. He was the only person I trusted with my Secrets, and rightfully so. He was surprisingly good at keeping them. I break out of my train of thought as I arrive at his little town. "Lucas?" I call, not sure if he was here. Then I notice his head pop out from behind one of the buildings, and see him break into a grin before running and tackling me in a hug. "SABRE! Your here!" He yelled in his good old childish way. I smile, he always did have a way of cheering me up. "Yep! But I need to talk with you about something." I respond, hating to ruin his happy spirit, but knowing we needed to talk about this. His eyes immediately are filled with concern. "Is it about that?" He asked. I nodded, and he glanced around, probably checking for Green and Light Steve. "Alright. Follow me." Lucas said, motioning me to follow. I nod, and follow him into his house. "Okay. Now what's up?" Lucas asked, looking a bit worried. I take off my Bandana, and look him in the eyes. I tell him all that has happened, up until my coming here. His eyes slowly widen, and his mouth drops when I tell him that Void Steve said I was more powerful than him. By the time I finish the story, his eyes are the size of saucers. "Wow. I guess we have some explaining to do, huh." He said, not really asking a question, more like stating a fact. I nod. "They are probably looking for me now." I say. Then I remember that Nightmare Steve is looking for me. Lucas must have seen the panic in my eyes, and he quickly said, "It's okay! Chill. Remember that we secured the place about a week ago from Void Steve? We should be safe from Nightmare." I feel reassured, and I calm down a bit. "Anyways, how are you?" I ask, trying to distract myself from the entire situation. Lucas perks up. "I'm good! The town has been running smoothly, and Light Steve has been learning how to write in a book! Green Steve has been less skittish than normal, and has been helping with making food. He is really good at making plants grow, and cooking!" Lucas says excitedly, and his childishness makes me smile. "How about you? Learned any new powers?" He joked, making me laugh. "No, not this time I'm afraid." I shoot back, causing him to chuckle. Then we both yawn at the same time, causing us to laugh again. "Guess that means it's time for bed." Lucas says, laughter in his voice. I nod, still laughing, and he shows me to a spare room he kept for me, and with a 'Good Night' , went to his room to sleep. I get into my bed, and stare at the ceiling. I sigh, and close my eyes, feeling sleep take hold, and my consciousness slipping away.
What I didn't see, however, was the red eyes at my window.

(Author's Note: HAHAHA ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!! Also, I appreciate all the support for this book, so thanks! Once again, I feel the need to say updates will NOT be constant, and you shouldn't expect them, especially since this is a weekend for me, and I have school tomorrow. Not to mention, quarter 1 is ending soon, and I have tests to study for. While I do enjoy writing, I can't at school, they blocked Wattpad. All the same, I thank you for the support and Kind Words, and have a nice day My Pups!)

Word Count: 608

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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