Chapter 9

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On the way we stopped at the pharmacy. Surely they looked at us as if we were stupid but why 4 normal people could not buy headache pills at 11am. When we were at the house I unlocked and went straight to our room.

 "Oh, God, that dress is awfully uncomfortable. Nobody ever gets me into it again." I said to Sophie and turned her back to unravel my dress. So she did. Then she turned her back on me and unzipped her dress as well.

 "I know especially when you have to sleep in it." she also complained. We both changed into comfortable things and went downstairs. I kept my purse down so there were pills. I removed them from my purse and placed it on the table. I took 4 glasses out of the cupboard and filled the water and placed them on the table and added the pills. Sophia and I drunk them right away. Then we talked, and after a while Jeaden and Wyatt arrived. We talked for about an hour and suddenly my father called me.

 "Hi baby go pack your stuff in half an hour for you to come. I got a call from the owner that he said he needed the two houses you lives in. He'll give you one now. We see in half an hour have a good time. " and canceled it. I sat with my mouth open, thinking about what I just heard."What happened to Lilith?" Wyatt asked carefully.

 "Emm .... nothing. Actually, something, we're moving, so move your shit and pack your stuff we'll all live together." I said and started to pack things up. Luckily, I didn't unpack my suitcase so I just threw my clothes there and put on some jeans with my shirt.

 "You have 20 minutes to do it, so move your asses!" I yelled at them, and then she just heard a big bang and someone scolded and said that I should have started whit those words. I ran into the bathroom and picked up all my stuff from there and threw them in the trunk. Sophia was running in the room, collecting all her stuff.

"Why we have to change our homes this is perfect and luxury I guess where we are going to be terrible." Sophia said, running to the bathroom. I laughed and turned on my suitcase. I stripped him off the floor again and put it to the door. I looked at the time for 10 minutes. We do not pursue God. I thought and ran away to pack up the food we had left. I heard the door opening, that's definitely dad. I packed the last pieces of food and put the bag in the hallway to the door. My suitcase was no longer here, so he must have taken it to the car already. I looked around the house to see if we forgot something and went out.

"Daddy! Hi, Dad!" I said and hugged him. We waited for the others and got on with the cars.

It takes half hour .

I was amazed but it probably everyone in the car."Sophia, what did you say in our room?" I asked, amused. He looked amazing."The others are here already?" I asked, not looking from the house."Not they come every minute to bring their bill."We looked at the house and I unpacked the food and thought about what to cook. I decided on a homemade pizza. So at least 4 because there are 8 of us and maybe I will do 5 of them. I started making dough and heard Finn and Jack heading into the kitchen."Yuumyy cooking again I hope you think of us this time too." Jack said, watching what I was doing."Yes it will be homemade pizza." I said, turning to him. He smiled at me and hugged me."Why hasn't she huggeed me yet?" Finn asked, offended.



Belive (Lilith Muschietti/-)EnglishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora