Joshua Kimmich ~ Bayern Munich

Start from the beginning

'Cause I've been gone so long
But I kept holding on
'Cause I need to show you
Just how much I love you this Christmas
Is it the lights in your eyes?
They never shone so bright
I've waited all year to be near
To the one I've been missing
This Christmas'

You started to sing as the chorus as it came one and you turned away from the dough to make sure that the oven was on and at the temperature, it needed to be on for the cookies. When you turned back around you saw Joshua putting his finger in the dough of the cookies. You just watched him do it for a couple of seconds before you actually realised what Joshua was doing. You thought that the dough was slowly going down but you kind of thought that it was just your imagination playing tricks on you.

"Stop sneaking in here to eat the dough or I'll smack you with the spoon." You said to Joshua and Leon who when you weren't looking we're putting there fingers in the dough to eat some of it. You even went to jokingly hit him with the spoon just to put emphasis onto what you said to them. They were meant to be playing their game but no they decided to annoy you. Joshua and Leon both stood there with smirks on there faces. Joshua looked at you in the eye as he put his finger into the dough and put it in his mouth. Without hesitating you grabbed the spoon and hit him in the arm. Hard. The slap of the spoon against his arm was loud but you didn't care you warned him and he continued doing it. You could see out of the corner of your eye that Leon was trying to hold back his laugh probably scared that you would hit him with the spoon as well which you obviously wouldn't. Unless he ate some more of the dough then you would have to.

"Ow, that hurt," Joshua whined rubbing his arm from where you hit him. The red mark was really showing against his pale skin. You quickly looked over at it but it didn't look too bad there will defiantly be a mark but no bruise or anything and it was his own fault. You warned him and he didn't take the warning so you hit him.

"Don't test me." You said to him. You turned to Leon to see if he would try anything but he just put his hands up in surrender. You just stared at him not believing that he wouldn't touch the dough but you left him slightly trusting him but you wouldn't take your eyes off the dough. Since the dough was all made and the oven was warm enough you started to put it on the oven tray so you could place them in the oven. With the amount of dough that both Joshua and Leon ate the cookies were smaller then you expected them to be and there wasn't as many. You just shook your head and placed them in the oven and set a timer on the oven so it would go off when the cookies were done. Joshua and Leon moved back into the living room whilst you were doing this so that they could actually play a game of FIFA. You could hear them shouting at the TV so when the cookies were in the oven you just stayed in the kitchen sorting out all of the little things not wanting to be in the room whilst the two of them were screaming and shouting. There wasn't a lot that needed to be done so you were just watching the cookies to make sure that they didn't burn that was until you decided to make a hot chocolate. When you were at the shop you brought some and some whipped cream and marshmallows to put on it so you knew that you definitely had some unless Joshua messed with it when you weren't watching.

"Do you guys want hot chocolate?" You shouted in the direction of the living room. You were only making a hot chocolate because it gives you something to do whilst the cookies are still in the oven. You waited for a response but you never got one. You just shrugged your shoulders not bothering to go into the living room. If they didn't hear you then they weren't getting one. You checked the cookies before probably starting the make the hot chocolate and you suddenly realised how long it's been since you last time you had a hot chocolate. It had to be around Christmas time last year. The hot chocolate didn't take long to make and as you were putting the whipped cream on top the timer for the oven started going off so as soon as the hot chocolate was fully done you went and took the cookies out so that they could cook down before eating them.

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