chapter 26- 1am kisses

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Jungkooks pov

We got to the hotel.. Tomorrow night is the concert so tonight we just pick our rooms and chill

Taehyung was asleep when we got there so I just went ahead and picked a room.. I mean he'd be sleeping in there Regardless

"Kookie?" I heard his voice

I pulled him closer to my chest

"Yeah?" I said

"You aren't gonna leave me right?" He asked

"I would never leave you.. And from now on you can come with me everywhere and you don't have to worry about yeontan or youre friends they can come too" I said

"I actually like that idea" He yawned

I kissed the top of his head

"Go back to sleep now tae.. We can talk more in the morning" I said

He nodded and not long after we were both asleep

Taehyungs pov (early monday morning)

I woke up sweating with tears down my face and realised I was shaking a bit and that jungkook wasn't there

And I wasn't in the hotel room or on the bus

I was alone in a dark room

Then I realised the room wasn't dark at all it was on fire

I couldn't move I was stuck in the flaming room

My parents to my left already but to ash

I started crying and crying I was paralyzed think Isnt a memory it looks to reach and this isn't home I happened

Was a I really here?

Why cant I move?!

Then strong arms wrapped tightly around me and I could breath the flames went away and I opened my eyes once again able to move

"I'm so sorry" Jungkook whispered

I looked up at him and he whiped my tears away with his thumb

"I just needed to pee and get something to drink I didn't think you would be so scared so quick" He mumbled

I stayed silent put wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest

I don't cry often.. Not like this I don't normally allow myself to cry like this but there's just so much to cry about

"I was so rude to you at first.. Why did you keep coming back?" I asked my voice quiet and shaky

"Because I liked you.. When you found out I was that one person who helped you in a way no one could you became trusting with me.. Dependent on me even and I liked it.. You would choose me even in a crowd of your friends and mine and when you smiled even the tinyist bit I found myself falling for you fast and every night when I got to hold you like I am now is what I started to live for" He said

"I-" I started but cut myself off

"You don't have to say anything tae" He said

I pulled away from him and sat up then checked my phone


I sighed

He sat up too

"You should go back to sleep if you can" He said then started playing with the back of my hair

I want to yell at him that I love him and that I love this but I can.. It's like my brain won't allow it simply because of all the pain it inflicted the last time I liked a boy

Yet that didn't stop me from looking at his lips for a second contemplating weather I could do what I wanted or not

And then I did

I pressed my lips against his

Only for a second or two but for me it was hours in the two seconds and I loved all of it

I pulled away slightly shocked searching his face for any emotion at all

There was both lust and contentment in his eyes

"I'm sorry" I mumbled

"Why? " He asked

"Because I kissed you" I mumbled

"Do you regret it on your part or are you telling me sorry because you think I'm mad?" He asked

"Because of think you're mad" I mumbled

I was looking down

"In that case" He mumbled then tilted my head up so I was facing him and then he crushed his lips onto mine

I kissed back and felt him smile a bit

I adjusted so I was straddling him and we deepened the kiss our lips moving in sync

No tounge just a wholesome pg13 make out session

I pulled away for air and smiled

"I like you alot" I said

"I like you a lot too" He said flashing me his adorable bunny smile


taekook- unlikely loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें