the birth of peter stark

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Peter is not born yet. also tony does not sell the tower and I dont know really anything about how any of this works

Tony was just relaxing at home when he heard out of nowhere friday said "boss miss potts water just broke". Tony ran to the elevator and pressed the buttons multiple times. The elevator ride seamed like it was taking forever so he called happy. "Hey happy get the car started peppers water just broke"

When tony got to his wife he saw her sitting on the couch obviously waiting for him to show up and help her. "Nice of you to show up" she said. Tony rushed over to pepper and helped her stand up, then led her over to the elevator which took them to the garage where happy was waiting for them inside the car.

While happy was driving tony kept telling at him to go faster.

After a 5 minute ride in the car they arrived at the hospital. Tony got out first and then helped his wife out of the car. Tony rushed pepper up to the front desk and told the lady about what was happening. The lady then gave them a smile and started to bark orders at some of the nurses who then got a wheelchair and rushed her over to an empty room.

One of the doctors that came in told tony to go wait outside the room. The whole time he was an emotional wreck. Am i ready for this. Am i gonna be as bad as my dad was. Oh gosh what if im a terrible father. All these thoughts went away when one of the nurses came out and said "congratulations it's a boy."

Tony sat up quickly when he heard the words
And dashed into the hostpital room. When he got in there he saw his wife holding a blue banket. When he went and sat on the chair next to her bed, she handed him his son."what are we gonna name him?" Tony asked pepper. "I was thinking peter."
"Thats perfect" tony then looked to peter and said "welcome to the world peter Benjamin stark."

I know this isnt very good but its also the first story thing I have ever wrote. If you have requests please comment them.

Thanks for reading this

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