Chapter 3: Midoriya

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Todoroki's POV:

It's been three days since the attack on USJ. Mr. Aizowa was injured but he came back quickly. Midoriya broke a few bones of course. Nobody else really got too hurt. My precious angle was okay, fortunately. As of now, I'm sitting in class listening to Allmight talk about the sports festival and how important it is for the school. I couldn't focus on what he was saying though, I was too focused on Denki daydreaming. He had a light blush and the sun shining through the window hit his face perfectly. God was my senpai gorgeous. I had become closer friends with him over the past few days. We talk a lot before and after class, but during lunch he still sits with the Bakusquad. It irritates me becausee you can tell that sometimes Sero flirts with him. I found out that Bakugo and Kirishima are dating though, so no worries about them. Midoriya still has a thing for my senpai, and he should better get rid of his feelings for him before things get... out of hand... for him. My feelings for my senpai have gotten a little out of hand.. I've went from watching him in classes to following him home, making sure he's safe, and watching him through his window to make sure he doesn't get hurt or nobody come in to claim my senpai.

(Timeskip brought to you by Kirishimas croc expenses)

Today is the day. I want to confess to my senpai. I want to make him mine for good. I was walking to school looking around trying to find him... when I saw him I was pissed. He was sitting on a bench... Talking to Midoriya. That bastard was about to confess to my senpai. I had to stop him from trying to take my angel away from me and I needed to find a way fast. I walked up to them keeping my cool, for now. "Midoriya.. Denki." I said in my usual emotionless voice. "Oh, Hey Todoroki!" Midorya said with that stupid cheerful voice of his. "Allmight asked me to tell you to go find him." I said trying not to glare at him, "He said it's really important." He nodded at me and smiled back at Denki. "Okay. Come find me after school, okay?" Denki just nodded with a smile. Midorya got up and walked away to find Allmight. I knew that would get him away from my senpai. He and Allmight have a weird yet special bond.. like a NORMAL father and son. I sat down next to Denki and gave him a gentle smile. "I wanted to talk to you." He smiled at me. "Yeah, whats up?" His angelic voice came out. It almost gave me shudders how beautiful this perfect boy is. Not only is he perfect, but he is mine. All mine. "I just wanted to tell I feel about you.." My voice came out emotionless, like normal, but Denki looked flustered and nervous, but with his nod of approval, I continued. "Denki I know we've only been talking for a few days, but I really like you." He blushed. He's so cute. He's perfect for me. Not only that, but Midoriya about to steal him from me made me go insane. I wanted Midoriya to see that this beautiful angel sitting next to me is mine and all mine. After a few minutes he responded. "I-I like you too Todoroki..I-" I interupted him," Shoto. Call me Shoto." He blushed. "Okay.. So what now...?" I smiled at him gently and wraped an arm around him pulling him into a hug. "I want to take you out on a date." He smiled just as the bell ringed to get to class. I stood up and held him hand on the way to class. As we walked by people were staring and muttering about us. I didn't care, however, senpai was embarrased and blushing a brilliant red. He was hiding him face. He's so fucking cute. We got into class and everyone turned towards us and stared at us with jaws dropped. Some people looked a little sad and upset, because they either had a crush on me, or on my senpai. I didn't care. I was holding the hand of the most important thing in the world to me. I walked him to his seat and he sat down. I glanced around for Midoriya, and just as I was looking for him, he walked into class. I couldn't help but feel smug when his eyes landed on Denki and I gave Denki a kiss on the cheek in front of everyone. Midoriya looked hurt, but it wasn't like I cared. I wanted school to get over with so I could take my angel on a date. I sat down in my chair after giving Denki a hug. I watched as Midoriya walked to his seat with a hurt look. I smirked to myself and silently cheered. My eyes stayed on Denki throughout the whole class. Making sure nobody else was staring at him, either judging him, or having a lustful look. He obviously couldn't focus in the class so he just daydreamed off. I watched him while planning out the evening with him after school. I loved the fact I get him all to myself.

(Timeskip brought to you by my laziness and Mineta's microscopic dick)

Finally. The class has 7 minutes left. Denki is now paying attention, most likely out of pure boredom, and I have a plan to make tonight perfect for him and I. First, however, Midoriya was still wanting to talk to Denki after class, So I had to make sure he backed off, but didn't feel too threatened by how much stronger I am then him. The bell rang. Finally. Denki stood up and Midoriya instantly walked over to him, with a concerned and hurt look. I gathered my stuff in my bag and walked over to Denki. Midoriya instantly stopped talking and I put of a fake, harmless smile. I wraped my arm around Denki and kissed him cheek. Midoriya look flustered and awkward. "Hello Midoriya," I said with a hint of happiness, for proof I was happy with my angel. "I'm very sorry to cut this short," I'm very much not sorry, "But Denki and I have a date today, so we must get going." He gave an obviously fake smile, but he still looked hurt and you could tell he was on the verge of tears. I almost felt sorry so I put a comforting friendly hand on his shoulder. Just because I didn't want him with my senpai didn't mean I didn't want to be his Friend. He gave us a reassuring smile, "Go ahead, Have fun." He said, looking less hurt and a little happy. I smiled and took Denki's hand and left the room. This date was going to be perfect.


Hey angelsss. So I figured thart this was the right chapter to FINALLY get Denki and Todoroki to go out. No lemons yet babes ;). This chapter was 1184 words and it took FOREVER so I really hope you like it :).
Bye angels!!!

ObsessiveStalker!Todoroki X Senpai!Denki // BNHA TodoKamiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora