Chapter 7

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Watching Supernatural was a perfect way to spend my Tuesday night, curled up with Ella and a hot cup of apple cider. I really liked Jensen Ackles. He was gorgeous. Hands down. I took a sip of my drink and looked at Ella. She was on the verge of falling asleep but as usual fighting it. I knew it was late and she should have been in bed by 9 'O'clock, but I needed the company. Company that wasn't Brad. I hadn't seen Brad since Chace left almost a week ago; I didn't know what to say to him. 

He was already jealous of him, whether he admitted it or not. I still wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation myself. I loved Brad—liked Brad. I thought I loved him, but I feel like I didn't even know myself anymore. Whether I wanted to admit it or not; my life was now a mess, and Chace had flipped it upside down—Again.

He didn't do it on purpose, and I know that. It was just the effect he had on me. He had always been the person my world revolved around as sad as it is to admit it. Why had he decided to come back and see me in the first place? It had been six years of living without him. At least Ella got to finally meet her daddy. 

That was worth my little world being turned upside down. Except for the paparazzi. They had been around a lot lately and I still hadn't read any magazines or watched TMZ or E! News. I have however found notes thrown in to my yard from anonymous people telling me that I am a bad person, and I should give my daughter to her father. It didn't really bug me that they said these things. What did bug me was that people in my town where we grew up were writing these and thought that I wouldn't recognize some of the writing.

"Mommy?" I looked down at Ella.

"Yes, Sweetheart?"

"Can I call Daddy?" What do I say to her?

"You can certainly try. I'm sure he would love to talk to you." I sat up and reached for my phone and went to his number. Hit call and handed the phone to Ella.

Chace's POV:

I took a bite of my apple as my phone rang loud in my lonely New York apartment. I looked at the caller ID and my heart skipped. Why? Because I haven't talked to Rainey since I left Plano a few days ago. I pressed the green button on my phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" My heart was racing.

"Hi, Daddy. Where are you?"

"Hey, Baby. I am in New York, working remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Do you wanna come over?"

"I would love to, but I can't yet. I am working and I need to be in New York for work. I'm sorry." I felt so bad telling her that, but there was nothing I could do.

"OK. I drew a picture for you today."

"That's awesome, honey. What are you and mommy doing?"

"Weare watching Supernatural. Mommy loves Jensen." She laughed as she said this.

"Why is that funny?"

"It just is. Do you want to talk to Mommy?"

"Sure." I could hear Rainey in the background as she grabbed the phone from Ella.

"Hello?" My heart started pounding at the sound of her voice.

"Hey, Rainey. How are you doing?" I sounded like I was a doctor or something calling her.

"Good, just tired. How's everything going out there?"

"Good. Work is a bit crazy lately. I told Rachelle about Ella."

"How did that go?" Her voice seemed to get colder toward me.

"OK, she was mad at me that I never told her about you, but she will get over it. She said that she wants some time to think about our relationship and how it's going to change now that I have a child with someone that isn't her."

"Well, I'm sorry that we have caused so much trouble in your life." What the hell was wrong with her?!

"Rainey, I don't care about any of that. I only care about Ella being in my life. What is the matter with you?" I didn't care if this was going to lead to an argument or not. I have the right to not be treated like this.

"Nothing is the matter with me, Chace. I'm just saying I'm sorry for everything." Her voice was a little softer. Maybe she was just stressed out.

"I'm sorry about the day I left." I knew I didn't need to say what I was sorry about. It was still fresh in my mind. Every single minute of that amazing kiss replayed in my mind every day.


"That's it? Just, OK?"

"Well, what am I supposed to say?" I heard her tell Ella to get ready for bed. "You came to tell me goodbye, and you kissed me like you did, and you just left. Again."

"I'm sorry Rainey. I really am. I shouldn't have kissed you because you have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend, but it happened. There is nothing we can do about it."

"I know. So do you know when you can come see Ella again?" Changing the subject.

" I was thinking that she could come out here for a while."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Chace."

"Ido. I want to see her, and she wants to see me."

"WellI don't see how you're going to have time for her with your working."

"I can figure it out or you can come out too." Please say yes.

"You can't honestly expect me to drop everything; school, work, family and Brad to come out there."

"I want my daughter, Rainey." I knew it was demanding but I missed her.

"I know and I am not saying no I am just saying we are not coming to New York. I cannot just pack her up and take her to wherever you want on a whim." I sighed deeply and lowered my voice to her to calm the situation.

"I'm sorry, we can work it out, maybe we can video call and talk that way until one of us have a break to come to the other for Ella to see me. Is that, OK?" There was a long pause on the other side of the phone, and I listened silently letting her have her thoughts to herself and then she took a deep breath in.

"We can make that work. I will talk to you later." She ended the call, and I felt sad, I mean I was happy because we came to a compromise, but sad because she sounded sad; sad because she hung up like she did and sad because I wasn't there.

The kiss we shared before I left was on my mind almost all the time. What came over me to kiss her like that? Why did I put her in that situation? Had she wanted it as much as I had at that moment? She was certainly inviting to it once I kissed her, but it wasn't fair to her.

It was late and I knew I needed to sleep but my mind wouldn't stop. I couldn't go online because it was a mess, and Ed had plans tonight so we couldn't hang out and I just really didn't want to go out anywhere either. I had to work in the morning so I guess I could just go to bed I wasn't watching TV anyway.

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