I stand in front of one of the heavier duty doors. Each of these has windows, but only one shows anybody in it. I stand on my tippi-toes to see a boy with dark hair and grimy clothes sitting on a metal chair hunched over next to a table of torture tools. My heart hurts for Charlie. This is why he didn't want to give in, he knew this would happen. For him. And for Brooke.

I hold out the keycard to the side of the door without looking, having memorised it's spot. But nothing happens. I look down at where I've placed the badge and instead of seeing a scanner, I find my hand touching a keypad. Poop! I knock my head on the door in frustration. No!

I look down at me feet. I've gotten this far, but it feels as if I've just lost the entire battle. I can't leave anybody here. I can't leave anybody ever again. I bow my head, leaning it against the door, the tears forming in my eyes. Bang, Bang, Bang! I look down the hallway. What on earth was that? Nobody's shooting, nobody's even standing there. I knit my eyebrows in confusion. Bang, Bang, Bang! I quickly stand up, realizing that the door is shaking a bit from whatever is making that noise.

"Charlie?!" I exclaim, seeing his face in the window. He looks determined, though is eyes show of fear and unease.

He holds his pointer finger to his right eye. Watch me. I nod, letting him know I understand. He points down to the keypad and then begins to display a series of numbers on his fingers.







I try to remember the order, but my frantic thoughts are too jumbled to let them stick.

Repeat! I mouthe to him through the glass.

He looks at me confused.

Repeat! I say, using my vocal chords a bit this time to make the word (hopefully) more understandable.

He finally nods and repeats the numbers.



"Oh, Four." I say aloud.



"Two, Eight."



"Oh, Nine!"

I nod my head quickly to tell him I got it, then dash over to the keypad before I forget.

I quickly type in the numbers.

Nothing happens.

I wait.

He waits.

Holding our breath...

A Green light suddenly flicks on, accompanied by a subtle click from the door.

"Yes!" I shout, joining in the sound of the fight going on in the warehouse down the hall.

Charlie pushes the door open and steps into the hallway. "Thank you, Darling." He says, though he doesn't make eye contact. Instead he just starts to jog down the hall the way he came. "Wait!" I shout before he can make it too far. "How did you know the code?"

"What do you mean?"

"The code to open the door. I don't believe you can see the keypad from the window, so how did you know it?"

Charlie jogs back to stand in front of me.

"Remember when you asked me how long I'd been here?"


"Since April 28th, 2009."

Sparks suddenly ignite into a flame of realization.

"042809. It's not just a code, it's a date."

"Precisely. The woman who runs this place, I was unlucky enough to call her mum. As soon as she found out I was like this," He gestures to himself "She created this place to lock me, and others like me, up. Keep us away from the world."
"That's awful!" I say, exasperated.

"I never said she was any good at being a mum."

"I'm sorry Charlie."

"For what?" He begins to walk away from me to the direction I came from.

"For not being able to come and save you-- all of you-- before!"

"Apology accepted. See you later, Darling!"

"Where are you going?"

"Somebody's got to save my Princess, I'd rather it be me." He says with a smirk, then turns the corner, out of view.

As soon as he's gone, I go to the other two doors down this hallway. Last two. I turn to the one on my left first. This one is another Captain hallway, labeled by the card to the side of the door. Just below it is the keycard scanner. I expertly place the badge up to it and wait for the green light to appear.


I open the door and tuck myself inside enough to be able to reach the internal scanner that opens the cell doors. They all slide open with a loud beep and a few screeches where rusty equipment hides. Kid upon kid spills out of the room as fast as their feet will take them.


I scan the crowd, my eyes landing on dark hair and fierce black eyes.


I wrap her in a hug I don't believe she was expecting.

"Have you found everyone yet?" She asks, as if waiting for a status report, which, in all honesty, I guess it is.

"Almost!" I inform her excitedly.

"Who do you have left to find?"

"Just Cedar,

But there's only one door left.

I'm sure he's in there."

Aunt Candy and the MysteriesWhere stories live. Discover now