Chapter Two

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End of tour shenanigans were far more involved than Samantha anticipated even though Harry gave her ample warning.  She had stuck her hand into shaving cream a handful of times and had learned quickly that walking around a corner unannounced was a quick way to get a pie in the face. 

Thankfully Harry's last show was on Friday and now with family's flying in for end of tour festivities most of the prank pulling had ended.  No one wanted to explain to their kid why a dildo was hanging in a doorway.

Today was the end of tour picnic.  Harry had initial misgivings about the privacy of the event given they were in LA and paparazzi were everywhere.  But they'd managed to find a somewhat private area that included a soccer field and volleyball court and some covered tables. No guarantee of privacy but it would at least make finding them a little tougher.

Harry turned to look at Samantha after he'd finished getting dressed,

"You told everyone I get to man the grill right?"

Samantha nodded,

"Jack will be there for backup."

Harry scoffed,

"Backup.  I don't need backup."  He grumbled.

Samantha pulled her hair up into a ponytail,

"Have you ever grilled before?"

Harry pulled his shoes on,

"Is there some school course I should have taken?  How hard is it to flip a burger?"

"Burgers, chicken, veggie burgers, hot dogs..."

Harry mock gasped,

"Oh my gosh I don't know how on earth I'll keep it all under control!"

Samantha narrowed her eyes at him,

"There's nothing wrong with being safe."

Harry kissed the tip of her nose,

"And I love you for being concerned."  He threaded his fingers through hers and pulled her towards the door, "Let's go...An open flame is calling my name."


The afternoon could not have been more relaxing.  Even considering the paparazzi had found them early and stayed perched there all day.  They seemed to display a slight amount of respect by at least keeping their distance. 

Harry seemed not to care.  He wore an apron that said kiss the cook while he flipped meat on the grill to order.  He'd slipped a backwards baseball cap over his curls a few hours ago and kept a cheerful smile pasted to his face all day.

Now sitting on a lounge chair with Samantha between his legs while she rested against his chest, they both watched the impromptu soccer game that had started. 

Samantha realized then that she was content.  She didn't think she'd ever felt that way in her life.  Not that she could remember at least.  She was with a group of people she had built relationships with over the last year while she laid on the love of her life as he played with her hair in the warm California sun. 

"Was your burger satisfactory, Ma'am?"  She heard his deep, gravely voice in her ear.  It sent shivers down her spine.

"Might be the best burger I've ever had."

She felt Harry's hands slide onto her shoulders and rub them gently,

"Might be?"  He asked, "What would tip the scales?"

She looked up at him,

"A kiss."

Harry quickly popped a kiss to her mouth and then pulled away.  Samantha pouted slightly,

And So It Goes... - Act Two // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now