Chapter 1

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                 I clearly remember the day I lost my parents, I was 6 and I had stayed for a sleepover with Annie, we were inside because it was cold. Annie and I were watching a movie when the bell rang, it was very early in the morning and no one except us ware awake, so we ran to open the door although we knew we shouldn't; I knew at the moment that I saw my grandmother that something was wrong, I only saw her at Christmas and see her standing in front of the Daguer's house made no sense - hello Mila - she said when she saw me and I could noticed in her eyes a deep sadness - hello grandmother - I answered while listening to Annie's mother scold her for opening the door - good morning ... Mrs. K ..... what happened? , the fear in Annie's mom was clear - Grandma spent a lot of time in the office talking to Annie's parents, when Annie's mom finally came out she was crying.

Mrs. Daguer took Annie and left me with my grandmother in the living room, she sat in front of me and took a deep breath, looked me in the eye and simply said - your parents had an accident on the road and died Mila - I guess my grandmother never saw the need to soften her words, not even for a child, but honestly I don't think there is a way to tell a 6 year old girl that her parents died. I understood the meaning of the word die because a month ago my dad had told me that Bugs bunny, my rabbit, had died and I would never see him again, I knew that I would never see my parents again and then I was sad and I cried, my grandmother took my hands and told me - now I will take care of you - after that I remember pieces of the funeral, people that I had never seen in my life was telling me that they were so sorry and the look of pity got me angry, I remember that when Annie and her family arrived, I just ran to hug them, I didn't separate from them for a second, I also remember that Mrs. Daguer hugged me until I fell asleep and I remember thinking that Mom had sent them so I wouldn't be alone.After, grandmother moved with me and started a new life for me, she was not very affectionate, I remember that Dad said that it was the cold of the land where she had grown up that stood with her, but that I should always hug her so that she knew that I loved her. I spent almost every day with Annie and her family who were not only my parent's best friends, but also our neighbors, and my grandmother was always busy working at my family's company, taking care of my dad's business. She was never home aside from the diners , which was the only hour that we had together, but even so that time she use to address the important topic of business, was then when she was dedicated to teaching me things that I didn't care about at that moment and It took me a while to understand.

The Daguer's basically adopted me, got up, dressed, prepared my backpack and ran home for breakfast, Annie and I went to school together and returned home where we ate and did our homework. In that house I felt less sad than in the cold house that it had once been the best home in the world; although the days seemed to improve and take shape I did not smile again until "That day", the day I fell in love with Andrew, as in love as a 6 year old girl can. That day Annie was sick and did not accompany me to the school where Talia, the biggest girl in school, told me that it was my fault that my parents had died because I was a horrible girl, as a response to me not wanting to lend her my book of drawings. Andrew found me crying in the garden, hugged me and waited for me to finish crying

- that girl is an idiot and if she bothers you again, hit her –

it was the thing that a wise 9-year-old boy with great empathy and little understanding could offer , Andrew was Annie's older brother, but he always played with us and several times also bothered us, but at that moment he was just someone who cared about me

- if you promise not to cry anymore I'll teach you a secret, but you have to swear not to tell anyone-

I nodded immediately although I planned to tell Annie- he took my hand and ran to the part of the garden where the trees were so close that it made the garden a little scary, he realized that I had stopped following him, he just walk back to take my hand and said – is ok I'll protect you- and took me to a tree that reminded me of the braids that my mom used to do on my hair.

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