"Nobody said you had to be." Sam said. "Don't you have a brother?"

"I do." Crystal said. "But he renounced the throne awhile ago. Now it's up to me."

"That's fine." Sam said. "Don't stress over it. You'll be fine."

"You think so?" Crystal asked. She had given this much thought. She didn't want to be queen. That didn't feel right. She wanted to be free of the burden. There had to be a way. But if she wasn't queen who would be? She'd never paid attention when her mother had told her the line of succession. She was sure that it would be redirected back to the Evil Queen if she did step down. Unless she chose Sam. Then that would be alright.

Crystal wasn't sure if Sam was open to doing that. She didn't seem interested in the slightest. Sam still didn't trust her mom and Sam had made a negative impression on her brother. It would be hard to get her to be open to that she was willing to try.

"Crystal." Sam stated, snapping her fingers in front of her face.

"Oh sorry." Crystal said, returning her attention the blonde in front of her.

"You zoned out for a minute." Sam sfated. "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing much." Crystal said, with a shrug.

Someone tapped Sam on the shoulder. Crystal recognized her but couldn't place her name. She had come and warped the memories of many, making it seem as if she had been in Auradon as long as Sam had. But the spell had broken, the truth had spilled and she was okay with that.

"Hey Heather." Sam said, taking the bundle from her arms. "Hi baby."

"She's fucking cute." Heather said. "She got that from you."

"Thanks for watching her for me." Sam said as Heather shrugged.

"Anytime." Heather said. "She's adorable and she's so going to like me more than Helia."

"No she isn't!" Helia called from where she was dancing with Arion.

"Yes she will." Heather dismissed. "I'm the best. See you later guys."

"She's something." Crystal said to Sam who's eyes snapped back to hers.

"All of them are something." Sam said with a thin smile. "You get used to it."

Crystal has zoned out again, her gaze focused on Chelsea who was weaving the crowd and causing people to trip and fall. Sam noticed this, snapping her fingers and causing Crystal to move forward.

Crystal met her gaze and sighed. She'd have to get the courage eventually. Sam sent her a thumbs up, sitting on a step.

Sam spun Crystal around as Crystal smiled at her, giving her a hug before pulling at arms length.

"I never said thank you." Crystal said, thoughshe seemed oblivious to what she was talking about.

"Thanks for what?" Sam asked, raising a brow.

"For making me feel comfortable with myself." Crystal said,

"You don't have to thank me." Sam said. "You don't have to feel any different from anyone else. Love is love Crystal. You love anyone you want and I'll support you. Even if it's Chelsea."

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