"Sakura, get Alex out of here, it's the hunters."

"The hunters?! but why would they-"

"They might have learnt about Alex becoming a werewolf, if they get to her they'll kill her before she can even shift."

Alex stood there with a confused look on her face after hearing her father telling her mother this information. Sakura grabbed Alex's arm and then she opened the backdoor.

"Go, Alex!"

"What about you and dad?"

"Don't worry about us, go and find Dominic, he'll help you and he'll tell you everything why you've been acting like this."

Sakura hugs her daughter one last time before they heard the door breaking down.

"Go! Run!" Sakura shouted before Alex made a run for it.

As Alex ran through the woods, she a scream from the house and she knew right then that her parents may have been killed. Alex ran and ran through the streets until she couldn't run anymore. Alex walked into an ally and she cried her eyes out before sitting on the hard ground. Alex didn't know what to do until a familiar white wolf appeared. Alex was scared at first but then, the white wolf spoke to her in her mind.

"It's all right, you don't need to be afraid, Alex, I'm a friend."

"Who...who are you?"

Alex asked timidly as the white wolf gently nudged his head on Alex's hand and then she gently patted his fur. Alex started to lose her fears as she continued to pet the wolf. Alex couldn't hold back the tears anymore and then she hugs the wolf tightly. The white wolf didn't mind Alex hugging him and he then said to her.

"It's gonna be all right Alex, I'm here for you now."

Alex pulled away and she asked him.

"How do you know my name?"

"I was a friend of your father's, my name is Dominic Fujisaki."

"You're Dominic? But, I don't-"

"I'll tell you everything but not here, get on."

Dominic told Alex as he knelt down a little. Alex looked over her shoulder and then she climbed onto his back before he took off running. Alex held onto Dominic's fur for dear life and then they got to a penthouse. Alex was surprised by this and then Dominix carried her into the penthouse. Alex got off Dominic's back and then he told her.

"Wait here and sorry for what you're about to see."

Alex was confused for a moment until she watched Dominic growl and his bones breaking and snapping. Alex was scared at first until Dominic stood on two feet and he had turned into a human. Dominic has silver hair, sapphire eyes and pale skin. Alex blushed at first but, a second later, she noticed that he wasn't wearing clothes. 

"I apologise for seeing me like that and- why are you looking away?"

"Can you please put some clothes on?!!" Alex shouted with a bright red face.

Dominic chuckled and then got a robe and he tied the belt around his waist.

"Sorry about that, I tried to warn you."

Alex smiled at him and then Dominic led her into the living room so they could talk alone. Alex sat down on the sofa and then Dominic's servent gave them tea. Alex wasn't in the mood for drinking tea so, she looked at Dominic and she asked him.

"So, who or what are you?"

"As you already saw, I'm a wolf, well, technically speaking, I'm a hybrid werewolf and I'm also the Alpha of the Moonlight pack."

Ikemen Sengoku: A Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now