"Do you want me to order some room service for you?" "Hmm, that would be nice. Maybe some coffee, yogurt and fruit?" He said and nodded.

After I ordered it for him I walked to the bedroom and opened the closet, I grabbed a black vest and sighed. To be honest, I was happy Carlo didn't come with us. I really needed to talk to Daniel about that night. It really was a mistake, and I had a feeling that Daniel thought different about that.

"I'm going" I said and gave Carlo a last kiss "ciao mi amore" he said and gave me a hand kiss, I giggled and walked out of the room.


"Can we talk?" I asked as soon as I saw Daniel "Yeah I have some time" he said and we walked to his driver's room "What's bothering you hu?" He said and looked at me, curious. "Well yeah, about the other night" I began "A-ha" he said "look Dan, I really enjoyed it. But it was a mistake, my emotions where all over the place. And you were there at the right moment. But I shouldn't have done it, and I really don't want to make you feel bad or some-" "Stop it there" Daniel said and walked over to me.

I was sitting on the massage table, he stopped in front of me and grabbed my hands, a little electric spark went through my body. He looked me deep in the eyes and sighed "You don't make me feel bad. I know it was a mistake and I'm the one who started the flirting and stuff. And I shouldn't have done that, if there is one to blame, it's me. I know you were not thinking straight that evening. I'm sorry" he said and looked at the ground.

"Hey" I said and laid my hand on his cheek, his head slowly came up and he looked at me "No need to be sorry. We were both in the room. But it can't happen again okay?" He nodded "I know that, you are married" I smiled and nodded "Yeah, but I don't want this to end. I mean, I feel so comfortable around you. It's like we already know each other for years instead of three days" I said "I know. I don't what that either. I feel myself when I'm around you, I don't have to be Daniel Ricciardo the formula 1 driver. I can just be Daniel Ricciardo the crazy aussie" he said and it made me laugh.

"So, friends?" I asked "Friends" he said and gave me a hug "Dani- oow oops" we heard, I let go of Daniel and looked to the door, Kaitlynn was standing there and looked confused. I smiled at her and hopped off the massage table. "See you later" I said and walked out of the room and sighed, what the hell would Kaitlynn think about us?

"You are coming with me" I heard Luca say and he grabbed my hand and we walked over to the hospitality area off Renault. We sat down at a table in the corner so no one could hear us. "Tell me everything" Luca said and looked at me.

"Okay, so, after our first dinner when I met Dan. When we went back to the hotel Carlo got mad, like really mad. He saw the flirting between me and Dan and he wasn't too happy about it. We yelled at each other, I said he ruined my trip and I wanted him gone. He hit me at the nose, it started to bleed. So I left the room and went to the lobby to find someone who could help me. I walked into Dan, he took me up to his room. Asked me what happened, cleaned my nose and then we talked for quite a while. And before I knew we were kissing and that lead to us having sex" i said and looked at my hands.

It felt like a relief that I told him, but I was scared. Scared that he was going to be mad at me, that he didn't want to see me anymore. Tears were forming in my eyes "Em?" He said and I looked up "Don't cry please" he said and grabbed both my hands, his thumbs softly caressing them "Why didn't you tell me Carlo hit you, again?" He said and he looked at me, I could see he was feeling hurt. Not only because I didn't tell him, but also for me being hurt by Carlo.

"You can tell me everything, especially this. I hate that he hurt you. I'm not even mad that you slept with Dan. But I'm mad you didn't tell me about Carlo" "I don't know. We talked the day after. We had a really good conversation after he hit me again" the last part I said a little softer "Oh sis, again?" He asked and squeezed my hand "Yeah, it gave me a blue eye. But after that we talked, like really talked. We screamed at each other and cried together. He is going into therapy for his behavior" I told him and he sighed.

One Night ● Sebastian Vettel Where stories live. Discover now