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It was that day again, the day my parents died. But now, 13 years later. And it still hurts. Every year this day felt like a black day, every year I almost spend the entire day at the cemetery, with a couple bottle's red wine and some joints.

This year wasn't any different "Ciao mamma e papà" I said and sighed, tears were forming in my eyes and I sobbed softly. I sat down in front of their grave "Thirteen years, thirteen years without the two of you, mi manchi" I said and grabbed a bottle of wine out of my backpack "Evviva" I opened the bottle and took a large sip.


"I just don't love him any more mom, and I know he doesn't love me, he never did" I told the grave and took a lift from the joint "Do you know why I know he doesn't love me? He beats me up. Over the stupidest things. But he always makes sure to hit me on the body parts that are covered by clothes, so no one notices" I told them and took another lift.

"Emelia?" I opened my eyes and looked up, my eyes got wide when I saw who was standing before me, I got up and looked at him "Luca?" I asked and a couple tears found their way across my cheeks. "Ciao sorella" he said and smiled at me.

"I've missed you Em" he said and gave me a big hug. I hugged him back and smiled, it felt good to finally hold my brother again. When we let go off each other we sat down and I looked at him "So, how is Australia?" I asked him. "It's great Em, you should visit sometime" he told me and passed me the joint.

When our parents died, Luca couldn't take it. So when I was 18 he decided to leave, he went on a trip around the world. And ended up staying in Australia, living life to the fullest. With the money we inherited from our parents. 2 million, each.
He lived like a god over there. A big, beautiful house, cars, parties and girls, lot and lots of girls.

"So, I heard you talking to them. About Carlo. Is it true?" I sighed "Which part?" "Well, everything" I just nodded and sighed "Leave him Em, come to Australia with me" "I can't just leave him like that Luc, we are married you know" I looked at him "What a fucking mess" he said and I just nodded my head in agreement.

"Are you coming over for dinner?" I asked him when I looked up the time at my phone "I don't think that's a very good idea to be honest" "Carlo is away for work" I told him and got up "Then, I'm coming over for dinner and we can work out when you are coming to Australia" I laughed and shook my head.
"Ciao papà e mamma, ti amo" I said "Ciao" Luca said with a little smile on his face and together we walked away.


"I met a girl" Luca said when we were enjoying our dinner, I looked up "Oow, tell me" I said and grabbed my glass of wine to take a sip "Her name is Kaitlynn. She's 34, and she's so beautiful sis. We started to date like five months ago, but pff, I'm so in love with her" he told me with a big smile "That's good to hear Luc. So no more parties and girls then hu?" "Definitely not. She's enough for me" "I'm happy for you" I said and gave him a big smile.

"Are you leaving again today?" I asked when we sat outside, both with a glass of whiskey in our hand "No, I will stay for two more days, so that I can annoy you" he said and gave me a wink "You can stay here. Carlo won't be home for the next five days, and I could use some company you know" "Of course I stay" he said and smiled, I raised my glass "To papà e mamma" "Cheers" Luca said. We stayed outside for a while, talking, laughing and drinking some more whiskey.


I walked inside the house after a day of shopping with my friend Rosa. It was a long time ago since we saw each other and it was a very nice day "Where the fuck were you?" I heard the moment I stepped inside the living room. Carlo stood up and walked towards me "I, I, was shopping" I said softly and took a step back. "You didn't ask me if could go" "I don't need to ask you if I can go shopping with my friend" I shot back "Yes you do" he stepped a little closer, and with every step he took, I took a step back. Until my back hit the wall and I had nowhere to go.

One Night ● Sebastian Vettel Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat