The Escape Plan

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--------Your P.O.V-------

It's been 5 years since I was deemed quirkless. An instrument that was supposed to take down All Might has now been reduced to a mere errand boy. If I didn't complete a task right the henchmen will get physical...

Henchman #1: "Hey brat! Clean up this mess!!"

Me: (Mumbling) "Coming..."

Henchman #1: "I can't hear you, you brat!"

Me: (Angrily) "Coming!"

I made my way over to the source of the noise and realized that I was heading into the henchman mess hall. As I entered, a ton of the henchmen looked in my direction.

Henchman #3: "Well look who finally decided to show up!"

When I got inside the room, I almost vomited. How can grown men make such a mess!?

Henchman #2: "This room is all yours! Make this place spotless! You know what happens if you don't."

I gulped and made my way inside. As I maneuvered through the horde I was suddenly shoved to the ground and into the mess. An ocean of laughter suddenly erupted from around me. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears. I got up and started to clean up the mess.

--------Time skip--------

I was sitting on one of the large couches in the Henchmen R.E.C room and I was reading the news paper. Being a 10 year old affiliate of a crime syndicate, I didn't really get much exposure to the outside world exactly. The only time they let me out the building is when I run errands. Even when the more knowledgeable henchmen taught me how to read fluently, I only looked at the pictures anyway. As I was "reading" I saw an article about All Might. My eyes sparkled and I looked at how he posed spectacularly and stand above the defeated villains! He was so cool! I tried to find out more of his latest deeds until the paper was suddenly snatched away from me.

I began to get angry until I saw who It was that took away the paper. It was one of my mom's top henchman, Taro. He was a very muscular guy with a head of a bull.

Taro: "I ran out of cigarettes so you're going to buy me some more."

Me: "B-but I'm 10... They won't-"

Taro: "Take this and get going!"

Taro through me a card. When I turned it over it had my Mother's calling card!

Taro: "Show that to the cashier and he'll let you buy it, Now get going!"

I made my way to the town and got into a local convenience store to complete my errand. When I got inside I saw a man with one eye at the register with a huge smile on his face.

Cashier: "Hi! How may I help today young-man?"

He was nice... It almost surprised me that people still acted that way. I walked up to the register took a pack of cigarettes and held it towards the cashier.

Me: *sigh* 'I hate this part...'

Cashier: "Listen son, I can't give you-"

He didn't finish his sentence when I showed him the card. He started to hyperventilate and panic. His expressions read nothing but fear.

Cashier: 'H-he..! W-why does he..?! Someone as young as him should never..! M-maybe he's pranking me!! No! Not going to risk it!!' (Throws cigarettes) "JUST TAKE THEM AND DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!!!"

I sighed and hurried outside before things got worse. As I was walking back to the warehouse (and being mindful of the hidden cigarettes in my jacket) I suddenly heard a laugh. Not just any laugh, It was a laugh that my mother hated with a passion. I looked across the street and saw three boys around my age watching T.V through a window. They were watching All Might easily fend off 4 villains.

The Child Rearing Hero: Kyoka Jiro x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now