Mischief Managed Book Cover

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Dedicated to BlueDo73 aka mischiefmanagedbook
This is the book cover I made for a fanfic called Mischief Managed. It's a Marauders Story, and it's a m a z i n g.

I wanted to give it the same feel of the original (aka very similar features) but kind of make it look like a book

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I wanted to give it the same feel of the original (aka very similar features) but kind of make it look like a book. Also I'm pretty sure the moonwalk didn't happen at that point, but I wanted to be like "yo das the full moon".

I also added the Marauders mixed with their patronus because I thought it would be cute.

It is. <3

I hope you like it, Lucy! ^w^

Your totally not trash author
Kitty Harlow
Aphrodite Ranger 67, Gryffindor, Confused about godly parent.

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