Chapter 25: Breakfast at Humphrey's

Start from the beginning

     Well. Not everyone (he had a very active sex life) and he'd never slept with Jenny (well, he did sleep with her that one time, but he didn't have sex with her, which is an important distinction). But... Fuck, dude. He just couldn't catch a break, could he?

     Ella looked like a deer in headlights staring at him. She shook the expression off quickly, however. Nate was having a harder time acting natural. He had totally forgotten Jenny was in New York for the weekend visiting the Humphreys, having not been in town for Christmas due to work.

     "Hey... everyone," He called with an awkward wave for the general populace before rushing to the kitchen island.

     Ella took the chance to follow Serena into the bedroom.

     "I-- I have to go--," She stuttered at her friend, who was currently flossing. S pointed at an extra toothbrush that Ella grabbed gratefully.

     "Listen, don't worry about Vanessa and Jenny, they don't know anything about you or your... thing with Nate."

     Ella nearly choked on her toothpaste. Serena couldn't possibly know what had happened on New Years--

     "My thing with Nate? There is no thing! We're friends!" She shrieked. She quickly lowered her voice, her brain processing the rest of what Serena had just said. "Wait, and why would I be worried about Vanessa and Jenny? They seem really nice? Why would they care if... Oh."

     Serena stared at the little brunette as the pieces began to fall in place. She realized she might have just caused a problem instead of fixing one.

     "Oh." Ella repeated, eyes growing wider by the second. "Oh! Fuck, they dated him, didn't they? I'm here with Nate and his brigade of exes. Fuck. Shit. Serena, I have to go!"

     "What does it matter that his exes are here?" The much taller woman turned to her, tilting her head with a snake-like glint in her eyes. She'd seen the way they were acting after they'd gone clubbing. Confirmation of her suspicions would be nice though...

     "Just... uh... I don't know, I feel weird..."

     "Why do you feel weird?" Serena pressed, looming over her. Ella made a face at her.

     "Why are you so weird? Jesus, every time he comes up it's an interrogation from you, why can't you just accept--?"

     "Because you're lying! Friends my ass--!"

     "Serena!" Ella cut her off. "We are just friends! Friends! Okay? And this is so not the time to be discussing this anyway. I'll stay for breakfast- but only if it means no more questions!"

     She resumed brushing her teeth. Serena pursed her mouth for a moment, but then sighed.

     "...Want to borrow some clean clothes?"

     Ella looked at her gratefully.

     "Yes, please..."

     "You're a terrible friend for keeping secrets, just for the record..." Serena told her as she sailed out of the bathroom. Ella looked at herself in the mirror.

     "Yeah, well. Some things just have to stay between you and me," She told her reflection.


     Breakfast was going better than Nate could have expected. Ella, for whatever reason, seemed to have decided to make it her mission for Vanessa and Jenny to fall in love with her. And it was working.

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