Chapter 11: Chuck, Blair, and an Inquisition

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     Everyone was at the Spectator's launch party. Blair and the relentless ad campaign had assured that tonight's festivities were a huge success. There was even a white carpet for photo ops before actually entering the party. Whether the app would be as well received all depended on the quality of the last month's work. Nate had no doubts, however.

     Blair made sure the young CEO wasn't the first to enter the party space

     "No one fashionable is ever early to their own party," She'd hissed when he suggested it, so he was out with the rest of his guests to walk the white carpet.

     "You should take a group photo with your editors when they get here— where are the Humphreys? And where is Ella?" Blair looked around for the two missing members of what she affectionately called the "app-squad."

     Nate glanced at his watch. They were rather late, which was usual for Serena but Ella was always punctual...

     "B, this is ridiculous! You're a goddess," Serena came, dragging her husband by the arm. She gave her best friend a kiss on the cheek.

     "She's right, Blair, this place looks fantastic," Dan agreed, looking taken aback.

     "Well, you know how much your opinion has always mattered to me, Humphrey..." Blair replied dryly, unable to keep a smile from spreading across her face. Chuck wound an arm around her waist proudly.

     "You've really outdone yourself yet again... Where's Ella, S?" He asked the tall blonde.

     "She ran ahead of us to use the bathroom. I gave her champagne before heading over and she has the tiniest bladder..."

     "She's also right here," Ella laughed, suddenly appearing from behind Serena. "And it was a lot of champagne! Hey everyone!"

     Blair held her at an arm's length after a quick embrace, studying the lithe frame and symmetrical face with an unexpected seriousness. Ella ignored the sudden urge to curtsy in front of Queen B.

     "You look stunning— you saw the pictures I sent S, didn't you?" Blair asked, taking in Ella's very appropriate choice of dress.

     "I did— I figured I could just blend into the decor," Ella replied sheepishly.

     "I don't think that's quite what you're going to do... Would you ever consider modeling? You're not really the right height, but..." Blair's gears were turning, thinking of how perfect Ella would look in the dresses she'd designed for her upcoming spring campaign. None of those were designed in the minimalistic style of her fall collection—it had been a nice experiment, but simplicity just wasn't the Waldorf brand. Still, she had a feeling Ella would look good in just about anything...

     "Oh, no," Ella sputtered. "That's very flattering, but I'm not really photogenic..."

     Moving quickly away from Blair's protests, she greeted Chuck and then finally approached Nate. He looked gorgeous, as always.

     "I love your tux!" She told him, chirpy and friendly, as though she hadn't just spent the last week avoiding him. For his part, he couldn't imagine bringing it up and making it awkward all over again. Better to pretend nothing had happened— especially when Ella looked like this.

     "Thank you...You look like an angel," He murmured as she gave him a hug. Ella blushed immediately. The dress was a satiny, shimmering silver fabric, nipping at the waist and descending to just mid-calf in narrow, twirly pleats. She was wearing honest-to-goodness heels, too, emerald velvet stilettos. She was flushed pink and iridescent shimmer bounced light off the high points of her face. She literally looked like an angel, but he regretted his comment immediately.

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