🎃Halloween questions🔪

59 3 92

What's your favorite holiday?

How about favorite month?

Do you go trick or treating?

What's your favorite costume you've seen but haven't dressed up as?

What's some things you've dressed up as?

What was your favorite costume you've dressed up as?

Whats your favorite candy?

If you were to come up to two boxes, one labeled candy, and one labeled keep out, which one would you stick your hand in?

Do you prefer to trick or treat at night, or during the day?

Do you like scary stuff?

Do you like getting scared?

What's your favorite monster?

If you had to chose a monster to be, which one would you choose?

Do you carve pumpkins? Or so, what design do you usually carve into them?

What's your favorite scary book?

What's your favorite scary movie?

When it's Halloween, do you wear Halloween themed things?

When do you start to get excited for Halloween?

Are you more startled by things that happen when it's October?

Do you have any scary experiences of your own?

What's the creepiest thing a person has ever said to you?

What's the funniest Halloween/trick or treating moment you've had?

Do you like candy corn?

What person would you not like to run into in a forest?

Would you even spend the night in a haunted house?

If you were do die in some kind of accident, what would happen?

What's the creepiest thing that happened if you've ever stayed home alone?

Do you ever imagine seeing things that aren't there?

What is your weapon of choice?

In a group, would you go down first, last or somewhere in the middle?

Are you able to watch scary movies right before bed? 

Do you get nervous at the sight of blood?

What's a scary nightmare you've had?

What's the creepiest irl unsolved thing you've heard of?

If you encountered a vampire, would you let it turn you, or would you kill it?

Have you ever wished something horrible onto someone?

I think that's enough, for now. Lol. If you by chance are going to publish your answers in a chapter in a book of yours, I encourage you to add any creepy questions of your own for others to answer! If course tag me if you do.
And if you guys want me to answer these, just ask, so I'll do a chapter answering them :]

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