Chapter 2

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*alarm clock goes off*

Ughhh, school already why..(says Velma)

*Velma turns alarm off*

What to were what to were?....
Aha I got it I'll just were a hoddie and leggings.

*checks alarm *

Already 7:21 I'm going to be late

It's so cold out here, dang I forgot my jacket I knew I was forgetting something.

*bus pulls up, Velma gets on the bus in the very back seat *

Hey Lizzy(says Velma)

Sup?? I thought you were mad at me?.(says Lizzy)

Ummm no. Who told you that(says Velma)

Lexie did, she said that you said that go die in a ditch(says Lizzy)

Well we all that's Lexie my ex bestie is trying to get rid of you, and that's not true and besides I knew you longer(say's Velma)

Oh' oh Kay.(Lizzy)

*all students riding the bus get of and enter the school*

Ahh...the smell of a brand new start and people.(say's Lizzy)

People???(say's Velma)

Oops sorry I meat like new people.!(say's Lizzy)

**Lizzy's pov**
Few that's was way to close,I need to watch what I'm saying.

*they both walk to their home room teacher Mrs.Smith*

Sit by me please I don't no one else sitting by me and plus it's a brand new school also kids, we have only been here one week.(say's Velma)

Okay, hopefully today will go better than last Friday(say, Lizzy)

??What happened last Friday (says Velma)

Umm.... Really you don't know I was so sc---(pause and thinks)

**Lizzy's pov**
Oh shoot that happened at my house I can't tell her I have to keep it a secret.

Hello?¿ you there (waves hand back and forth in front of Lizzy's face)

Yeah sorry never-mind I...I
forgot what I was going to say.(Say, Lizzy)

Okay??(say's Velma)

*nothing happens the rest of the day just school basically*

I really want to go home and eat good food(say's Velma)

Me too something with meat(say's Lizzy)

Okay?!(say's Velma)

**Velma's pov**
What the heck is wrong with my bestfriend?

Well this is my stop off I go see you tomorrow I guess(say's Lizzy)

Yeah. And by the way text me(say's Velma)

** Velma stop comes, she gets off gets her key out her back pack and unlocks the door**

Agh..., food,pajamas,Netflix,phone, and television just what I needed.

*gets a text message from Lizzy*


*Velma text back*

Whats going on??you okay?(text Velma)

Oops I meant cool stupid auto correct(text Lizyy) scared me(text Velma)

That's all for today hope you enjoyed I will be updating soon;) please leave a vote and a comment of what you thought about this chapter or anything I can fix.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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