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Will's Pov:

I sighed putting my record on trying to ignore the noise outside of all the riff-raff coming in for a new term I knew I was to be getting a new roommate this term I hope he's not a little bugger like the last one,

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Come in" I sigh assuming it's my new roommate and the door opened to a young boy he looked about my age with fluffy hair that looked freshly cut so short with a huge pair of black glasses on his face with some freckles along the bridge of his nose, the uniform a little off on him but something about him made me feel... I don't know, strange.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for... uhhh Michel handling? room eight one nine?" he asks nervously and strangely sweetly for a slaughterhouse boy must be a new one scared to death most likely

"Ohh no, this is eight one eight," I told him

"Ohh, I'm so sorry, do excuse me," he says going next door I shrugged and returned to my bed listening to my records I couldn't shake the feeling I had seen that boy before so after a while of waiting around for my roommate I gave up and went next door

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Coming..." the voice answered and that boy answered the door "Ohh hello"

"Hey, I wanted to chat with you," I told him

"Course" He nods letting me in the mostly empty room "what about?"

"What's your name first I think?" I ask

"My name?" He asks

"Yeah? you must have one" I laugh

"Ohh... uhhh Sam," He says

"Sam? Sam what?" I ask

"Sam... Smith" he nods

"smith? okay Sammy, tell me have you been here before?" I ask

"no never," he says organizing the things from his suitcase I was a little nosy as we are going to be sharing a wall for the next year or so I had a bit of a peer in the bag and saw a pair of pink panties

"Owww... what's this? you got a sexy girlfriend leaving panties in your bag" I smirk picking them up

"no!" he says taking them quickly from me

"sorry Sammy must have hit a nerve" I smirk "what do you have these for then?" I ask

"They uhh, must belong to my sister, a mix up in the washing I'm sure," he says

"Ohh I see" I smirk "Could I take them?" I asked

"what?" he asked

"We don't have girls here... come on just let me borrow them for a week or so" I smirk

"No!" he yells

"sorry" I laugh "come on Sammy I know I know you from somewhere just tell me"

"you'll find out," He says

"Hey Sammy, you coming to dinner?" I ask as I saw him coming out of his room

"Maybe later," he says

"Come on Sammy" I smiled

"Later," he says

"Where are you going then?" I ask

"for a shower," he says so I sighed and went for dinner, once I had finished up I did kinda agree with Sammy while everyone is eating the shower will be empty what a perfect time to go, so I went and gathered my stuff going to the showers a soon as I got in the door I could hear the shower running and I put my towel on the hook beside another I noticed a lot of clothes on that hook more than just the normal uniform or Pijama's, How odd, I laughed as I began to hear a gentle singing

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