"I hate you" I sigh putting the stuff away and climbing out the window Quickly running across campus to the girls dorm as I got there a couple of girls stood in a window just in there towels

"aaahhh! Will you peeping tom!' she yells as she spotted me and the rest freaked trying to cover themselves

"Sorry ladies, just looking for y/n" I said covering my eyes

"In her room two windows down" one said

"Thanks" I laughed

"So I can go to mark now as your out with y/n" another voice asked

"Yes trilli, the windows open for you" I tell her as I went down to y/n's window Quickly knocking

Knock knock

And the window opened

"Ooh it's you, I'll get her" her roommate sighed

"Thanks Macy" I blushed

"Will" y/n smiled

"Y/n" I smiled so happy to see her she giggled pulling me close and kissing me I happily kissed her back our soft kisses turning to make outs

"If you're going out with him then go out stop snogging in the window" her roommate Yells

And she giggled climbing out the window I helped where I could till she stood on the grass with her little school shirt and tie as well as her little skirt and thigh high socks

"Ready?" She asks

"Ready" I smiled giving her a kiss "my beautiful girl"

"Aww your so cute, Will my darling" she giggled holding my hand and tugging me off towards the woods.

"So uhh, y/n I uhh" I stuttered

"Aww your so cute when you're nervous" she smiled as she sat beside me under our normal little tree and giving my lips a kiss I melted into the kiss wrapping my arms around her to pull her close Till I heard a noise

"What was that?" I asked

"Who cares" she giggled nuzzling her head into my chest "I missed you darling" she smiled

"Ohh I missed you too beautiful" I smiled kissing her head and hugging her making sure she was cosy in our cuddle

"So... What are we going to get up to tonight?" She asks slyly

"Not much I'm afraid beautiful, mark had trilli over in our room and your roommate has her girlfriend in your room, so unfortunately we are kinda stuck out here" I sighed

"So?" She smirked running her hand down my chest

"Y/n, beautiful, our rooms is one thing we can lock ourselves in, even the cleaners closet and the laundry room as can bard ourselves in" I explain "out here... Anyone could see us" I blush

"So... Don't you wanna fool around?" She asks "we hardly ever get to anymore" she whines

"I know I know beautiful, well... If you really want to I do have something" I smirk getting the flavoured condom out my pocket "a head for some hand alright tonight?" I suggest

"Of course" she smirked getting up and pulling me up with her pushing my back against the tree and undoing my belt I smirked as she got on her knees clearing any twigs away first as she undoes the buttons on my trousers smirking and licking her red lips at me all the time

"Uhh you look so sexy on your knees beautiful" I groan as she tugged my boxers down

"He gets bigger every time I see him" she smirked

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