Chapter 1

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Harry went down the staircase down to Gryffindor Common Room. Pacing around the red and gold burning his eyes. "Urgh I wonder if I can resort. I wanna be a Slytherin..." Harry slumped into a couch. It was around 6 am and Harry was bored but too awake to go back to sleep. Harry went downstairs to the Great Hall and walked around Hogwarts trying to clear his mind. He went back upstairs and looked over at the sun rising. 

"I need more information..." Harry suddenly remembered that Hermione had a book called Hogwarts: A History. Harry smiled and went back down to Gryffindor Common Room before pulling out a box. It was nearly 7 am so Hermione would be awake in another 30 minutes. 

The box was filled with contacts, Slytherin ties and a Slytherin uniform. Harry put it back under the bed and wished his mark wouldn't burn. Harry was given a Dark Mark in 4th year in the middle of the battle with Voldermort. He didn't mind because it felt like being a double-agent. He worked for Voldermort a little but he didn't mind. Harry was annoyed at his thoughts for helping Voldermort is good

Hermione woke up and went downstairs and Harry lunged at her. "Umm sorry. Could I borrow Hogwarts: A History?" "You finally wanna read it?" Harry nodded as Hermione went back upstairs to get the book. "Thanks, Hermione. Merlin this book is heavy!" "It has a lot of information. What part did you wanna look at in particular?" "The Sorting Hat and the Rules of Hogwarts," "Pages 345-365 for The Sorting Hat and pages 456-458 for the rules of Hogwarts," "Thanks Hermione I'll start right now!" 

Hermione looked at Harry weirdly and felt a weird magical feeling coming from his left arm. "Strange... he's been avoiding us all year. I mean yes he has the Triwizard Tournament and Ron and Harry still hate each other but still..."

By the time Harry finished reading Hogwarts: A History, he had made up with Ron. "Why are you reading Hogwarts: A History anyways?" "I wanna learn more about the school I'm going to. Quite useful information. Wait I got Potions! Bye guys!' Harry reread the book on the way to Potions. His favourite class. He already gathered the information he needed but he got stuck in it. "I see what Hermione means by you can't put this book down after you get the information you need," Harry scowled.

Harry reached Snape's classroom and sat down waiting for him to come. "Turn to page three and ninety-four and brew that Potion to perfection<" "I have to mess up this potion on purpose..." Harry sighed. He had already told Snape this and he deducted less points from him but still graded him low marks. "Potter stay after class and redo your potion," Harry nodded. He's been doing this for a whole year. After class, Harry sat down at Snape's desk. "So you are considering to resort into Slytherin?" "Yes, sir. I've been wanting to do so... maybe in 6th year," Snape nodded. "Redo your potion Harry or you will get those low marks," 

"Harry I still don't get how you pass all your Potions test!" It was the end of another long test and Harry got full marks. "Hermione has been helping me and I've learnt the simplest potion by myself..." Hermione looked at Harry with suspicion since she didn't help Harry with any homework this year. At all. "When can I have my book back Harry?" Harry handed Hermione the book and she went to read it immediately. 

"Malfoy's been eyeing you recently Harry. Have you ever found that annoying?" "Urm.. kinda... but then again it feels like we aren't enemies and we don't have to worry about attacking each other or throwing an insult to him when he says 'Mudblood'," Harry shivered. He got used to saying that name a lot from Voldermort. "I guess that's not bad... in some sort of way. Then again he's Malfoy," "Someone I can trust in the future..." Harry muttered under his breath. Ron luckily didn't here since he went to bed. 

Harry spent the rest of the night reading Hogwarts: A History. Nobody seemed to notice Harry was awake for the rest of the night. Once it was 6 am, Harry went back to the cliff he found and watched the sunrise.  "Nice isn't it..." Harry turned around and saw Malfoy come and sit next to him. He didn't bother arguing with him and they both watched the spectacular sight in peaceful silence. "Looks like neither of us slept last night. What were you doing up at 3 am...?" "I got stuck into Hogwarts: A History," "I was making a Potion after I lost 4 marks for having the colour slightly bluer than what was expected so I tried making it perfect but nothing happened..." "I got full marks. Want some help?" Draco looked at Harry confused. "Never knew you were the Potion master..." Draco said. "I'm gonna cry if I get Exceeds Expectations in my owls for Potions... it's my favourite class," Harry said quietly. A mixture of shock and curiousness was shown on Draco's face before they headed down for breakfast. 

"The one time we weren't arguing," Harry smiled. Ron was at the Great Hall. He had already eaten and was looking at Hogwarts: A History with great surprise. "I can see what you mean... I can barely look away and it's packed with information!" Hermione and Harry only laughed, though Harry a little meaner then playfully like Hermione. 

Harry's mark was stinging. "Not now... I'm in school for Merlin's sake," Harry thought and didn't move and lived with the pain.

Meanwhile with Voldy 

"Now I will leave Harry be since he's in class. He is one of us. Narcissa this is mostly for you. Draco will get his mark over the summer. Narcissa? This is the only way your family will live. Now you may leave," Narcissa looked at Voldermort with fear and Apparated.

Back to Harry

My scar was hurting. "So what I saw in the Crystal Ball was true... Thought I was acting," Harry thought. "I have to tell Malfoy," At the end of dinner I pulled Malfoy over from his Slytherin friends. "What would you like Potter? The world doesn't-" "I know it doesn't revolve around me. It revolves around the sun. Now I want you to listen," Malfoy looked at me surprised and scared. 
"Your father as you know is in Azkaban. Voldermort is giving you the Dark Mark during the summer. He will give you a task which I do not yet know about..." "Why are you telling me this?" "I will be there as well..." "What? How?" "Promise not to tell a soul? If not I will Crucio you into Oblivion," Draco nodded. "Alohomora... Pull up my sleeve," I saw the look of terror of his face. "He.. he did that?!" Draco was practically yelling. "Yes now please not too loud!" I locked the sleeve again. "Sorry... Potter... it's just the Golden Boy a Death Eater!" He whisper shouted. "It was forced upon me. I'm always having dark thoughts now. I'm slipping away from the light. Please, Draco... don't do the same get your friends to help you and maybe Severus," "I'll try Harry. You're a double-agent?" "I'm trying to but it feels like I prefer the dark now more than the light... Like sometimes I feel good working for Voldermort... it's turning me evil and I want you to help me later. After you do whatever you need to do," Malfoy nodded and left. I wondered if telling him was a good idea. "Urm Malfoy?" Malfoy stopped and looked around. "Friends? I could help you if you wanted," "Deal... And I'll help you knock into your senses," I laughed at this and waved goodbye.

This is the longest chapter I've written in my life! I hope you enjoyed! Please tell me how you think about it!

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