The time Barry almost died( the first time)

Start from the beginning

I rushed to Jitters and saw Iris. She was filing someone's coffee cup when she saw me.
" Oh my Barry. You're awake." Iris said.
" Yeah I am." I said.
" Why didn't Star Labs call us?" Iris asked.
" I just woke up." I said.
" No Barry. I kept seeing you die. Your heart kept stopping. Iris said.
I held her hand and put it to my heart and said in a  sexy voice,
" It's still beating." I said.

I then saw things on a try fall and I  wanted to help the girl with it but I was too slow.
I then ran to an empty Street and suddenly I was running at super speed. I was very confused by what was happening to me.
I had been fine but suddenly...
I went back to Star Labs and confronted and asked my friends Cisco and Caitlin what exactly was happening to me.
" Cisco, what's happening? Why am I feeling that I am running at speeds I can't keep up with?" I asked him.
He was doing something on his tablet when he looked at me and told me,
" Barry, so remember when I told you that you were hit by lightening?" Cisco asked me.
" Yeah  that was like the first thing you said to me." Barry replied.
" So that lightening infused with the dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion gave you super speed." Cisco said.
" Cisco now can I ask Barry for a urine sample?" Caitlin asked.
" Sure." Cisco said.
" So no one else was affected?" I asked once I finished.
" Mr. Allen, not only you but there are other people who died  or survived the explosion and we are calling them meta- humans." Dr. Wells said rolling into the cortex.
" Meta- Humans?"  I asked super confused.
" People with extraordinary abilities like yours Barry." Cisco said.
" Okay. You know what I'm ready to help the people of this city so I will help." I said.
" Great. What do we do first? " I asked.
" We train you Barry." Dr Wells said.

The next day
The next day we were on an empty road and we were ready to see what exactly I'm supposed to do.

Once I got out of the van, Cisco came to me,
"  So how does it fit?" Cisco asked.
" It's pretty snug for my liking." I replied.

Caitlin came to me and while she was hooking me up,
I asked her,
" So you don't smile very much."I said and she just looked at me.
" My career as a biochemist is over and my boss is in a wheelchair so this smug expression means I'm getting the job done." Caitlin said.

Caitlin went back under the tent where they were monitoring my vitals and the speed force in my system when Cisco said,
" On my mark. Go." Cisco screamed.
I started finally running feeling the ground under me.
I saw a couple of huge cans in front of me but I remembered something  and  I fell right in front of that.

About 10 minutes later once I was back to the team sitting in a chair,
" Mr. Allen you were running pretty well for a person who was hit by lightening yet you stopped midway but you kept going. Why did you stop?" Dr Wells asked me.
" I had a flashback to the night my mom was killed and that brought back  memories so that was what held me back."I genuinely said.
" Okay well I guess your quota for the day is done. You should rest as should all of us." Dr Wells said.

I got home later that night to see Iris at her computer again.
" So what's been happening since I was out of it?" I asked her once I sat next to her.
" Nothing really. CCPN is putting me on my everything that's happening in the city. Like do you know that there is a new person protecting our city like a guardian angel. Calls himself the streak." Iris said.
" Iris, before anything happens there is something I need to tell you before anyone else tells you. "I told her.
" Okay. Go ahead." Iris said.
" Iris, this is gonna  sound super weird but that streak that you heard so much about, that guy who is mysteriously saving people, I am that guy." I told her.
" You're the streak?" Iris asked confused expression on her face.
" Yeah I am and the streak is an awful name. More like the Flash." I said.
" Barry so  the lightening and the coma, you got super speed?" Iris asked me.
" Iris, is the reason suddenly that you don't believe me is because you haven't seen it for yourself?" I asked.
I then ran to CCPD and was back in about 3 minutes.
" Wow. That's incredible." Iris replied.
" Yeah. So you want to meet the team?" I asked her.
" Tomorrow."  She said and retired to her room.

The next day
The next day  I felt like spending  the entire day with Iris. She was the  world to me and if anything happened to her, I seriously wouldn't know what to do with myself.
Once we reached Star Labs and we entered the cortex Iris asked me,
" So that was what it felt like running with you." Iris said.
Once we entered the cortex, Cisco was like " Who is this? Why is she here?" Cisco asked.
" Um, Cisco, Caitlin I would like you to meet Iris West. My half sister. I said confusing them.
" Your half sister?" Iris said surprised.
" Um aren't you?" I  asked her.
" No. Not that I know of." She replied.
" So Iris what do you do?" Caitlin asked me giving me time to run out of the room and die.
" Oh I'm a journalist. A reporter for CCPN." Iris said.

Cisco was worried about me and he ran out of the cortex to the hall and said,
" Everyone makes mistakes at some point. It's okay." He said.
" Thanks. But why would I say half sister. How does that relate?" I asked him confused.
" Dude, things people do are confusing sometimes but it's okay because everything works out in the end." Cisco says.
" Fine." I said and went back into the cortex while Iris was talking to Caitlin.
" Cait, can I borrow Iris for a second?" I asked.
" She's your half sister." Cait said smiling.
" Not funny." I said and held Iris's hand.
We  went to the bed and sat down.
" So, I'm sorry." I apologised.
" For what Barry?" Iris asked.
" Iris, I was nervous and embarrassed because I didn't know how you would react to them." I said.
" Hey, we are a team. We can't let each other down now." Iris said to console me.
Then we heard a ping from Cisco' s meta human alert app.
We walked back and asked,
" What is that?"  Iris asked.
" My meta human alert app. Basically it can track any meta human activity anywhere in the city." Cisco said.
" So peekaboo, how are we supposed to defeat her?" I asked Cait and Cisco.

Iris POV
I found out Barry was the Flash and I was upset and annoyed because he didn't tell me but it was just 24 hours since he woke up from the coma and it was okay.
I was at Star Labs and we were going to defeat a meta human called peek a boo who had the ability to telaport  but she can telaport only when  she can see so Barry came up with a way of not allowing her to see and defeat her using that.
" If she has the ability to telaport, Mr Allen she can telaport anywhere but only when she can see." Wells said.
" So how do we defeat her?" Barry asked.
" You have to block her field of vision." Wells said.
" Okay." Barry then left.
As he was running, Barry was on comms and asked Cisco.
" Location for Baez, Cisco Now. " Barry asked.
" Okay. 6th and Mayson." Cisco said.
" Okay. Heading there now." Barry said and a couple seconds later he said,
" Found her." Barry said.
" Barry, remember what I told you, block her vision." Wells said.
Barry  did that, caught her and brought her back to Star Labs.
" Very Good Mr. Allen. That was not hard even for you." Wells said.
" Thank you Dr. Wells."  Barry said.
Once she was in the intake, I said,
" So that was what it felt like being in on the action, was it?" I asked.
" Yeah it was." Barry said kissing me.

Hey everyone
So I'm finally done with my second Flash one shot, hope you guys like it.
Anyways signing off

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now