World History 1.2

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I ended up being late to World History. My teacher teacher excused it since I was new. She assigned me to the seat next to this REALLY pretty girl. The guy across for me had hair just like Portia, they must have been related or something. He didn't look as intimidating so I introduced myself and learned his name was Julian. She was intimidating, not in size, just in how she held herself. You could tell she was very confident, I would be too if I even had an eighth of her beauty. The teacher went on about how we were going to do a project about the Vesuvian Revolution. We were paired with our shoulder partner. Which means I was paired with the beautiful girl. She looked nice at least.

"Hi, I'm (y/n), I'm new, and I guess I'm your new partner." I said unsure of her reaction to me. She smiled.

"I'm Nadia, nice to meet you!" She said and the went straight into the project. We talked in between typing our project into the slides for the protestation. By the end of class we had gotten through half of all of the project. We said bye and I walked off to my locker. At my locker is where I met two other boys. They were talking casually. They're names were Asra and Muriel. I said bye and walked to my next class.

 I had Theatre next. On the schedule it said that they met in the cafeteria. That was pretty easy to find.

I looked around there was a Portia who was painting a setting, she was smiling and happy, she looked very bubbly. There were Asra and Muriel in the corner debating about something. One of them was about 5'8 with white hair and he was grinning, on the verge of laughing. The other one was TALL. He was about 7 foot, he had long hair for a boy, it was ebony black, his face was super heated and he looked like a tomato. He was definitely enraged. There was another Julian at the other side of the room. He had his earbuds in and he was obviously dancing crazily.

Now pick who you are going to hang out with!

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