Ch. 1 New School New Terrors

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Bendy's POV:
Beep beep beep beep Thud
Ugh today is time to go to the new high school... InkDrop High... I think that's it. I slowly got up yawning. I could smell my younger brother Boris cooking in the kitchen. I got a black and purple sweater, jeans and my black leather boots.
"Bendy!" I heard Boris call from down stairs. I groggily went down stairs. "Good morning bro" Boris said with his cheerful smile, "Morning Boris" "You ready for our new high school?" He asked excitedly. "Eh I suppose so." I really wasn't ready to be bullied again.
"C'mon Bendy, or we'll be late!" Boris exclaimed excitedly. "I'm going, I'm going, don't get your panties in a knot" I remarked.
We walked to the bus stop, the bus took forever to get there. When it finally pulled up I walked on and looked for a seat, I found 1 in the back and sat alone.
And to hell I go
Hey guys well here's the first chapter. I might change it with time.... maybe anywho I'll update this when I can

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Highschool Lover (Highschool AU/ Jock Cuphead and Nerd Bendy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang