Chapter 1: The Opportunity

Start from the beginning

"His sister?" Hayley hesitated and frowned.

"I knew he had one, though I haven't met her." Sebastian pulled back slightly and shrugged, "They studied at the same institution and followed an almost identical career path. It would make sense to trial her."

"But, a female personal trainer?" Hayley said dubiously.

Sebastian shrugged again, "I don't see how it would be that different."

Hayley swallowed uncomfortably and retracted her hands. Sebastian sighed at her sudden change of mood.


"What?" she replied sharply, turning away from him and returning to her coffee.

"If you have a problem, just say so."

"You do whatever you want Sebastian." she replied coolly as she walked out of the room. Sebastian glared at his empty plate for a few seconds before pushing his chair back and getting up.

"You don't like the idea of a female?" he called out as he walked into the lounge area and found her curled up on the window seat, looking out at the lake silently.

Hayley glanced at him casually, "I don't care."

"It seems like you do." he retorted, "Though I don't know why now all of a sudden. You've never had a problem with Britta, how is this any different?"

Hayley laughed airily and shook her head before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Talk to me." Seb said gently as he sat next to her knees and placed his hand on her thigh.

"I would at least like to meet her before you make any decisions." Hayley sighed tiredly, giving in to him yet again.

"Of course. And if you are not comfortable, then I won't consider her." he said. If he could avoid a fight this way, then it was worth it.

"Okay." she replied softly, finally looking at him again. He reached forward and stroked his fingers across her jaw, inciting a small smile out of her.

"Good." he beamed, relieved that the discussion didn't have to escalate any further. He knew she found it hard. All the time they had to spend apart was never exactly easy for her, particularly whenever he was overseas surrounded by beautiful women and she was sat at home watching him on television.

For seven long years, that was the way it had always been.


Tully Huovinen walked through the crowded Belgium bar, balancing two cocktails full to the brim of neon pink liquid.

She finally reached their table and sat down next to Olivia, the giggly Italian girlfriend of her client, Stoffel Vandoorne. Aside from herself, Olivia and Stoffel, the remaining seats at the table were occupied by Stoffel's Press Officer Jacqui, and lastly, Stoffel's parents... also known as the ones that signed Tully's pay cheques.

She slid one of the cocktails under Olivia's nose and grinned as the dark-haired beauty squealed in delight.

"Right, cheers you lot." Stoffel said, holding his drink out into the center of the table.

The rest of the small party clinked their glasses together before each taking an enthusiastic swig.

"Jacqui and Tully, we really wish to thank you both for another fantastic year." Thomas, Stoffel's father, said across the table. He had a rich, deep voice, laden with an upper-class accent that reflected their privileged lives.

"Here's to a seat in GP2 next year." Tully exclaimed, raising a playful eyebrow at Stoffel.

He beamed like a kid on Christmas morning and nodded his head. "Damn right."

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