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          THE WIND BRUSHED AGAINST HER FACE, REFRESHING HER IN THE PROCESS. Not only was the night sky cold, but an uneasy feeling settled in the girl's stomach. She knew something was bound to happen, and she didn't know if she wanted to be there when it did. Zoe, although scared herself, was ready to protect Dustin and Erica if need be. She (although wouldn't admit it), questioned Steve's driving ability and whenever the car came to a screeching halt or swerve, she found herself holding back the kids with her arms. Her natural instincts were kicking in once more.

"Jesus, how far is this place, man?" Steve complained, continuing to drive down the narrow empty road until Dustin gave him real directions to follow.

"Relax, we're almost there." Dustin kept his eyes straight ahead, waiting for the perfect moment to head up the highest point in Hawkins.

"Suzie's must be pretty special, huh? I mean, if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?" Granted, Robin would do the same if meant getting a chance to talk to Zoe. Lucky for her, however, she didn't need some high-equipped radio tower just to speak to Zoe.

"I mean, nobody's scientifically perfect, but Suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be." Dustin smiled, already feeling his heart race at the thought of his girlfriend. Zoe smiled, young love was adorable.

Erica found this the perfect time to tease her friend— and yes, she had come to accept the fact that Dustin (just like Robin, Zoe, and Steve) was her friend. "She sound made-up to me. She sound made-up to you?" Erica asked Zoe, only for her to look at Steve with pleading eyes. She did not want to answer that question.

Everyone's attention had now directed to Steve, where he had stayed silent as well. "Why are you hesitating, Steve?" Dustin asked, almost annoyed at him.

"I'm– I'm– I'm not! I'm not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real." Steve stammered, trying to cover up his most obvious hesitation.

Dustin was about to reply, determined to spill Steve's true thoughts about Suzie but he saw the opening up the mountain and he figured he'd save it for another day. "Left! Turn left!" Dustin commanded, seeing their window of opportunity.

Zoe looked to her left, finding no road up the mountain, she grew worried. Apparently, Steve had thought the same, "There's no road here!" He shouted back.

"Just turn left!" Dustin shouted, not ready to put up with Steve's stubbornness. Steve sighed, making a complete ninety-degree turn before running Toddfather up the mountain. The smooth terrain had quickly turned rough and bumpy, causing Zoe to tighten her hold on her seat in fear of flying out. Steve even ran through a fence, definitely regretting listening to Dustin.

"Whoa! Henderson, where are we going?!" Steve shouted as they began driving up the hill.

"Up! Keep going up!" Dustin exclaimed, holding onto Steve's chair.

"We're not going to make it!" Robin joined in. Steve continued driving, confident that the car would last all the way too the top. It had not. The car sputtered and became mixed with the tall grass and steep slope, leaving it stuck from moving any further up. "Well I guess the Toddfather has its limitations." She quipped.

"Looks like we're walking the rest of the way." Zoe commented, climbing out of the backseat. The group followed her lead, shutting off the car's engine and music. Dustin ran far ahead, trying to get to the radio on time. He eventually made it before everyone else, quickly beginning to make contact with the adults.

"Bald Eagle, do you copy? Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troops, do you copy?" Dustin spoke on the radio, holding down the recorder with his thumb. Zoe almost felt bad for Murray, for he had gotten a terrible code name.

"Yes I copy." His scruffy voice sounded unpleased with Dustin, and Zoe could imagine the look on his face at that very moment. Nevertheless, they all sighed in relief, glad to know the group hadn't died this early on.

"Call sign?" Dustin asked.

Over the line, Murray scoffs, "Bald Eagle. Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle." He annoyingly repeated.

"Copy that. Good to hear your voice, Bald Eagle. What's your 20?" Dustin smiled, oblivious to Murray's annoyance. Zoe quietly chuckled besides Robin as the three older teenagers huddled around the radio.

"We reached the vent. I'll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence." Murray groaned.

"Roger that, Bald Eagle. This is Scoops Troop, going radio silent. 10-10, over." Dustin placed the communicator back down, still proud of what he had accomplished. Steve patted his shoulder, proud of his friend, someone he could easily call his 'little brother'.

Zoe drifted away from the radio, looking back at the lights from the mall. It was quite impressive how far those lights could shine, as it outshone almost everything around it. Dustin continued speaking with Murray over the radio but Zoe couldn't concentrate on it. Instead, she slowly stood up, watching as the mall's atmosphere had suddenly shifted in tone. The lights began flickering on and off, one second it was illuminating all of Hawkins, and a second later, it was pitch black. There was something so clearly wrong with it that Zoe couldn't let it be. "Guys— there's something you might want to see!"

Upon hearing the worry in Zoe's voice, Robin rushed over, looking at the mall from a distance as well. Robin's reaction had only added more fuel to the fire. Steve, Dustin, and Erica had come just as quickly, now panicked as the mall's lights began going bonkers. The group raced back towards the radio as Dustin tried reaching the Griswold Family team. With nothing but a loud shriek coming from a creature that was beyond human, followed by a loud monstrous roar, they came to one conclusion. The Griswold Family was not alright.


I literally have nothing to say so uh
i hope you like the chapter :)

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