Chapter 2: new adventure

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You and your friend didn't move, even if she was holding the knife in the wrong way, it was still a knife, friend tried to wave at her but she screamed "dont move!" Then she took out two papers and looked at them and then back to you two "do me a favor, try to look a smidge More intimidating for a second" she Said to your friend, he then cupped His hands to both sides of His face like claws, trying to look scary, but made him More cute "and you girl, can you roar or something" she told you "o-oh ok" you said, you tried to Let out a 'roar' but it came out More like a Kitty meow, you quickly covered your mouth and looked away in embarassament, she looked at the papers one last Time and Placed them and the knife back in the backpack "Guess that answers that, my name's skout!" She Said in now a More relaxed Tone "I'm (Y/N)" you said, friend just waved.

"and you two live out here un these brambles?" Skout asked, friend nooded His head while you shook it "i-im not from here.." you said in a shy Tone, you weren't used to talk to people, you usually just hide in the shadows, hoping to no one found you "well, maybe he can help me out of these brambles! Got a name stranger?" She Said "His name Is friend, i think, and he can't acctually talk" you said, friend looked down at the floor un sadness "uh, a mute, well that's conundrum.." she said, some rocks came out from the darkness, some going around you while others hide behind your legs.

She looked at them and took a book out from her backpack "i had to Say that these critters are a-mazing! Are they just some Sort of wildlife here or-" she got cut off when some of the critters took her book and run away whit it, she followed them, trying to get it back.

You flet a bit bad by that, so you thought "why not make her a gift!" You looked at the small rocks behind your legs and snapped your fingers, them small shadows came to life and floated around you, you smiled at this and walked to Skout, who lost the rocks into the brambles, she looked at the small shadows in awe, has they wrapped around her neck, making a collar "there's..nothing like this in my field guide..i wonder if.." she thought for a second beafore gasping "maybe the nomad and the queen are here and this Is the result of their magic!" She exclaimed happily "i have to go friends, I've gotta find Toth!" She started to run away, you dont know this person 'toth' and you didn't want to, friend quickly got in front of her, making some gestures whit His hands "wait, you know the nomad?" She asked, some rocks came and Made a figure of a house behind him and he pointed at it "m-maybe he can shows you were he lives" you said nerviosly, hoping she didn't find out that you were the nomad and the queen, Skout hugged you two smiling "Lets go!" Then she took both of you and started to run.
You three arrive to the small house where nomad bring you "uh, looks like nobody Is home" she put down her backpack and went inside, you Let out a small sigh "that was a close one.." you thought, she opended the Door again "hey! This feels an awful Lot like traspassing! You coming inside?" She shouted, friend rubbed His eyes and went inside the house whit you following.
"He must have Been cooped in here for ages! They said nobody's seen him from a hundred years, does he ever leaves the briar patch?" She asked, friend shook His head sadly "he must ve dying for Someone to talk to.." she said, friend quickly nooded excitely, poor guy, he just want a friend "no wonder why he's so evil" wait what? He wasn't evil, he was nice and cute, friend paniced a bit when she said that, you tried to calm things down "maybe he Is not that evil as you think" you said "dont be stupid (Y/N), he Is evil, so Let set some traps, I'm gonna bring Toth and the others, you will love her, when she get that evil nomad we're gonna go find the queen and she gonna really Let 'em have it" she said and walked outside, this Is really bad, friend hurried un front of her, trying to stop her "something wrong?" She asked, friend looked around, running to a tree and take a sheet that was hangging from it "what are you doing whit that old sheet?" He Made some Sort of stage and sat Skout down whit some of the critters, you understand what he was trying to do and you hurried to help him.

You two came out from behind the sheet, friend whit a broom, he then clapped His hand and the broom came to life, you snapped your fingers and the Shadow of the broom came to life, you four started dancing, the Shadow whit the broom and you whit friend, but y'all stoped when someone said.

"I've found you"

you turned to see a woman whit Armour and More people whit her, she must be toth and the dandy lions "nomad.." she had full Venom on Her voice "look! There's the queen too!" Someone said. you Froze, this wasn't good, you and friend looked to Skout who was hitting herself whit a book calling herself a 'dunderhead' over and over again. Toth pointed at you whit her axe and said "you two are coming whit us, and no amount of trickery and magic can save you..!" Friend looked around, his sight landed on Skout's backpack, he clapped His hands and the knifes came out of the backpack to attack the dandy lions "Ah, trickery and magic!" Someone said, then someone whit red colthing came out and said "you fools! Red Manuel Will shows how this Is done" he then pulled out a gun but the knifes ran away behind the sheet, the Man followed them but you trew the sheet on him "aww sheet!" He exclaimed, you and nomad laughed at this until nomad got punched in the face, you turned to see Toth about to punch you, but you became a Shadow creature and doge it, you hurried next to friend to help him "no more games.." Toth said, Skout tried to stop her "Toth wait! They're not what you think!" Toth just growled and started to attack you whit Her axe, you moved out of the way while nomad doge it luckily, you then saw how the Man on the sheet, now on fire, runned trought the house of nomad, setting it on fire.

Nomad watched sadly as His home burned, he was about to get hit by Toth's axe but the broom blocked the way getting the hit instead and breaking, he looked at it sadly, Toth walked near him, but you blocked the way making nomad eyes widened, Toth just smirked, about to hit you whit Her axe until the man on fire came and stoped her, you flet something grab your wrist ant take you out of there, you turned to see nomad taking you away, you heard someone say "no! they're getting away! someone do something!" You came to stop in the entrace of the brambles, nomad looked insecure about getting out.

when you were about to step out you heard from behind screaming "help! please! somebody!" you two looked back to see the red light of the fire inside the brambles, nomad took your hand and try to take you inside to help but you pulled back, he looked confused at you "i can't get in there! im a shadow creature, i wont resist!" you told him, it was true, if you go in there you wont make it, he thought for a moment, beafore taking off his hat and poncho and and put them on you, for them to protect you "uh..i think this can work.." you said nervous, he took your hand and take you to a huge hippo that we saw in the way to his home, he hopped on his back and you sat behind nomad, wrapping your arms around his waist, you to rode it where the voice came, when you got there the hippo started spraying water by his nose to the fire "hello Skout!" you said, friend just waved, she looked weak by the smoke inhalation, the hippo came to stop spraying, he must be hungry. Skout took out a book adn thought for a second "hey fella, need a snack?" she then trew the book to the hippo and he eat it, quickly spraying water again.

you and nomad took Skout and Toth out of the fire while the rocks took everyone else, you let Toth down while nomad did the same whit Skout, the his chest started glowing for a few second beafore disappear " save us..thanks friends.." Skout said beafore passe out, you sighed sadly at this, she was nice. You two heard a coughing and turned to see the guy in red whit his gun in hand "you got no place to hide, Don Paragon will hear of what happend! he will not rest until you two get captured. So, what are you going to do now!" he said beafore getting hit, it was a the shadow you create, hitting him whit the stick of the broom, after that it waved at you and you smiled at it "thank you" you said, nomad looked at the night sky beafore looking at you, you had took off his hat and poncho, showing you (H/C) that shine whit the moon light, you give him his hat and poncho and he put them back, he then offered you his hand "you want come whit you?" he nooded, you shyly took his hand and started walking out fo the brambles.

"time for a new adventure"


*SCREAM* YO, this chapter was a little more hard to do but i think it came out good, if something is worn please tell me, see ya in the next chapter! <3

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