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ONCE I was respected and feared, loved and hated equally. Now I am a monster to worry children with, a demon to be wary of. I am fearless and fearful, old, young and timeless. Alone for so many years, I have slipped into legend.

You may have heard of the common were-wolf, the Kitsune, the Selkies, the Ilimu, the Kakshasa among others. They were all the one species. It began with 5, each with a different animal inside of them. An eagle, a cat, a fox, a seal, and a wolf. Each bred and the children of each would receive one of the animals of one parent, however, the weaker animals you had, the more susceptible to human diseases, illnesses and human related deaths. The more powerful your animal was, the less human you were.

It used to be extremely rare for a human and a Were to breed, but as we started dying out, killed by a disease that was created by a strange human-animal hybrid bacteria, the need to keep our race alive grew.

The resulting children, (only half of the children born recieved an animal), were volatile and unstable, prone to uncontrolled transformations. The people bitten by these Half-Casts went crazy and were generalized to all Weres. This created the fear of us, and with fear came the hunters, until there was only one pure-bred family left, cowering in fear, waiting for it to blow over. When they finally deemed it safe, the parents were killed, lulled into a false sense of security. They left a child behind. They left me.


I was 120 years old the day I decided it was safe to leave the countryside and head into the city. I lived in London in 1893, eventually tiring of the heedless murders of a Bitten, known as Jack the Ripper. I found him and killed him. The properties in our saliva had made him go mad. After that incident, I lived in Europe for another 121 years, hunting down Half-Casts and Bitten, giving them the choice to stop the madness inducing transformation of the moon, by consuming some silver powder (silver was only extremely harmful to pure Weres like myself. Iron however, was extremely harmful. ) or if they refused, I would kill them. I created a name for myself within the Were community, become known as 'Lustre' as the shine of my favorite dagger was the last thing anyone would see.

It was in the year of 2014 that I caught wind of a plan. A plan of a Half-Cast called Marcel Fisher. He wanted to infect America with Bitten. And so, on the eve of Halloween, I arrived in New York City.

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