Louis wrote very enthusiastically that he would provide music after the ceremony. He said he remembered something about people dancing after they got married and would prepare a special song just for the two of them. Their first dance as a married couple. As Violet's closest friend, besides Clementine, he was also going to help Violet find clothes and get ready for the ceremony on the day of the wedding.

Ruby enlisted Aasim's help making a perfume from violets she found growing near the greenhouses. Boiling the petals down into a scented liquid. As well as finding a plant that could be used as a soap substitute. The citizens of Texas Two bathed, but only as time permitted, which wasn't often, and they hadn't had soap in years. Being clean, truly clean, for the first time in so long would definitely make the day feel more special.

AJ was on decorating duty. He was in charge of flowers and making decorations to put on the picnic tables, helping line up the chairs and doing anything the others needed assistance with doing.


~Sunrise the morning of~ Clementine

"You can turn around now." Clementine told AJ, up to her neck in the cold river water, "Can you hand me that soap Ruby made?"

AJ complied as he kept an eye out for walkers, "You're moving in with Violet today?" He said sullenly, sitting down on a rock, staring down at Clem's prosthetic that lay on the grass by the riverbank.

"Yeah pal, I've been staying with her most nights since we got engaged anyway... but yes, today it's official." Clementine frowned at AJ as she scrubbed at the dirt all over her body before getting to work on her hair, stopping to smile at the star bird tattoo on her forearm that was now fully healed. "I'll just be down the hall. If you ever have a nightmare, you know where to find me okay?"

"Yeah... okay." AJ seemed a little sad about it still but cheered slightly as he looked over at his guardian, "Ruby helped you make your dress right?"

"I actually... I did it myself." Clementine blushed thinking about the dress she had made. Embarrassed now as she thought about it. She was unable to find a white dress in the stash of clothing that fit her, but she did find a giant white button up dress shirt that had to of belonged to Ericson himself.

It was huge and came down almost to her knees. She had cut cut off the top portion of the dress, the sleeves and the collar, then Ruby showed her how to hem along the top so that it wasn't frayed. The buttons were in the back, and using the sleeves and excess fabric she made a white sash to gird around the middle. It was not well done in her opinion but she hoped that Violet would like it regardless.

Once she finished washing, she instructed AJ to turn around again as she climbed out on her knees and toweled off with an old towel from the school. She pulled on a clean Ericson gym uniform so that she could keep the smell of her old clothes off her until she had a chance to wash them too.

"Your turn AJ, get in." Clementine said, sitting on the riverbank, pulling out the knife she had sharpened days ago.

AJ sighed hard, "Okay... I won't whine because it's your special day..." AJ started tearing his shirt off, "But I don't want to... I hate taking a bath..." He sighed again and Clementine rolled her eyes, "I really don't wanna but I'm gonna..."

"AJ, that counts as whining."

"I just wanted you to know that I don't want to do it, but I'm doing it anyway." AJ said in a superior tone, Clementine looked away as he took off the rest of his clothes and climbed into the freezing cold water.

"I hate being cold and wet. Cold and wet and bathing." AJ continued as he shivered in the water, Clementine handed him the makeshift soap and giggled.

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